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Zack: Boys of the Fast Lane

Zack: Boys of the Fast Lane

D 2013, 238 pp., brochure, € 14.95
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Bruno Gmünder
Reunited with Mike Smith in London, Gil attempts to pursue his career in movies through writing scripts, while Mike's younger brother Will pursues Gil with all the guile and determination he possesses in abundance. Mike has his own problems when teenage heartthrob popster turned movie star Nathan Cliffe turns his off-screen performance into an erotic dance for Mike's heart - ... Weiterlesen

Julie Cannon: I Remember

Julie Cannon: I Remember

USA 2013, 209 pp, brochure, € 16.95
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Bold Strokes
Emery Barrett is under doctor's orders to rest while on a three-week cruise. Dana Worthington's only plan is to improve her tan and have her passport stamped in every port. Adventure, anonymity, and the idea that they will never see each other again propel Emery and Dana into twenty-one days of pleasure. Neither woman has any idea their vacation will ... Weiterlesen

Karis Walsh: Improvisation

Karis Walsh: Improvisation

USA 2013, 186 pp, brochure, € 16.95
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Bold Strokes
After a lifetime of moving and change, Jan Carroll wants nothing more than to settle down and build a home. She wants little to do with newcomer Tina Nelson, a shallow and unreliable playgirl. Especially since their mutual friend Brooke Stanton has been not-so-subtly matchmaking. Tina, a graphic artist and musician, has vowed to spend her life free from the ... Weiterlesen

L. L. Raand (aka Radclyffe): The Lone Hunt

L. L. Raand (aka Radclyffe): The Lone Hunt

USA 2013, 245 pp, brochure, € 16.95
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Bold Strokes - Midnight Hunters Paranormal Romance 4
Wolf Were Alpha Sylvan Mir wants nothing more than to keep her pregnant mate Drake safe in their secluded stronghold, deep in the heart of the Adirondack Mountains, but enemies, political and praetern, force her into battle. Sylvan must confront the Vampire Chancellor Francesca, a one-time lover, about her part in a recent attack on Mir Laboratories ? a confrontation ... Weiterlesen

Jeff Chu: Does Jesus Really Love Me?

Jeff Chu: Does Jesus Really Love Me?

A Gay Christian's Pilgrimage in Search of God in America. USA 2013, 353 pp., hardbound, € 24.95
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Harper Collins
When Jeff Chu came out to his parents as a gay man, his devout Christian mother cried. Every time she looked at him. For months. As a journalist and a believer, Chu knew that he had to get to the heart of a question that had been haunting him for years: does Jesus really love me? The quest to find ... Weiterlesen

Margret Grebowicz: Why Internet Porn Matters

Margret Grebowicz: Why Internet Porn Matters

USA 2013, 135 pp., brochure, € 17.99
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Stanford University Press
Now that pornography is on the Internet, its political and social functions have changed. So contends Grebowicz in this philosophical analysis of Internet porn, in her account, are symptoms of the obsession with self-exposure in today's social networking media, which is, in turn, a symptom of the modern democratic construction of the governable subject as both transparent and communicative. In ... Weiterlesen

Martin M. Falken: Schatten eines Engels

Martin M. Falken: Schatten eines Engels

Junge Liebe. Bd.56. D 2013, 173 S., Broschur, € 15.40
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Himmelstürmer Verlag - Junge Liebe 56
Stephan besucht die Schauspielschule und hält laufend Ausschau nach Traumprinzen. Dem glaubt er in einer schwulen Bar begegnet zu sein: Jonas ist jung und schön wie ein Engel. Er ist blond, durchtrainiert und hat azurblaue Augen.Wie im Märchen erscheinen Stephan Jonas' Lebensumstände - der Schönling ist reich und bewohnt eine Villa mit Pool ganz allein. Der verliebte Stephan zieht bei ... Weiterlesen

Peter Nathschläger: Der Falke im Sturm

Peter Nathschläger: Der Falke im Sturm

D 2013, 376 S., Broschur, € 17.37
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Himmelstürmer Verlag
Der französische Student Lucas Reno hat einen Aufsatz geschrieben, durch den man auf Kuba auf den jungen Mann aufmerksam geworden ist. Ihm wird ein zweiwöchiger Studienaufenthalt ermöglicht, während dessen er mit eigenen Worten über die Revolution eine Erzählung verfassen soll. Studenten der Universität Havanna begleiten ihn während seines Aufenthalts. Zunehmend gerät Lucas' Bild von einer »sanften« Revolution ins Wanken. Immer ... Weiterlesen

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