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Thema: Kunst

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Stor Dubiné: My Childhood Visuals

Stor Dubiné: My Childhood Visuals

Postkartenbuch, € 16.95
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Postkartenbuch mit 15 Postkarten des PopArt-Künstlers. Campy, lustig, schräg - einfach toll!

Robert W. Richards: Seduction

Robert W. Richards: Seduction

Erotic Illustrations. D 2016, 96 S., Farbe, geb., € 51.90
Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Europas.
Bruno Gmünder
Das New Yorker Multitalent Robert W. Richards kennt sich aus in der Kunst der Verführung. Seit seinen frühesten homoerotischen Zeichnungen in Magazinen wie »The Advocate« und »Mandate« ist Richards' Stil unverwechselbar. In »Seduction« verfolgen wir die Spuren des Künstlers von der Gegenwart zurück zu seinen Anfängen und zeigen Richards' erotisches Werk in seiner ganzen Bandbreite. - As an artist, Richards' ... Weiterlesen

Peter Dobson (ed.): Radiant Affinities

Peter Dobson (ed.): Radiant Affinities

The Life and Work of Cornelius McCarthy. NL 2015, 291 pp., colour, English text, hardbound, € 51.95
Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Europas.
Cornelius McCarthy was a British painter whose work is to be found in private collections worldwide but is still relatively unfamiliar. This lavishly-illustated book examines his artistic legacy in the context of the unprecedented social, cultural and political change in which he lived and worked, from WWII London through to the sexual politics and ideological struggles of the 21st century. ... Weiterlesen

Bernard Cooper: My Avant-Garde Education

Bernard Cooper: My Avant-Garde Education

A Memoir. USA 2015, 251 pp., hardbound, € 26.95
Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Europas.
W. W. Norton
Growing up in the suburbs - confused about his sexuality, about his consumer-oriented world, about the death of his older brother - Bernard Cooper falls in love with Pop art and sets off for the California Institute of the Arts, the center of the burgeoning field of conceptual art, in this beguiling memoir. The most famous, and infamous, artists of ... Weiterlesen

Kevin Clarke: The Art of Looking

Kevin Clarke: The Art of Looking

The Life and Treasures of Collector Charles Leslie. D 2015, 160 pp., color, hardback, € 49.99
Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Europas.
Bruno Gmünder
Have you heard of Charles Leslie? Thomas Mann pinched his butt. He has the biggest penis collection in the world. He is one of the fathers of modern New York's SoHo neighborhood. And he is - together with his partner Fritz Lohman - founder of the first museum for gay and lesbian art in the world. The Leslie-Lohman Museum is ... Weiterlesen
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Brad Gooch: Smash Cut

Brad Gooch: Smash Cut

A Memoir of Howard and Art and the 70s and the 80s. USA 2015, 239 pp., hardback, € 27.99
Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Europas.
Harper Collins
Brad Gooch arrived in New York in the late 1970s, yearning for artistic and personal freedom. At the center of this memoir is his love affair with film director Howard Brookner, pieced together from fragments of memory and fueled by a panoply of emotions, from blazing ecstasy to bleakest despair. Gooch and Brookner's intense relationship is haunted by the specter ... Weiterlesen

Philip Gefter: Wagstaff: Before and After Mapplethorpe

Philip Gefter: Wagstaff: Before and After Mapplethorpe

A Biography. USA 2014, 576 pp. illustrated, hardcover, € 39.95
Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Europas.
W. W. Norton
Sam Wagstaff, the legendary curator, collector, and patron of the arts, emerges as a cultural visionary in this biography. Even today remembered primarily as the mentor and lover of Robert Mapplethorpe, the once infamous photographer, Wagstaff, in fact, had an incalculable and largely overlooked influence on the world of contemporary art and photography, and on the evolution of gay identity ... Weiterlesen

Oliver Ottitsch: Gay Nazi Dolphins at a Gangbang

Oliver Ottitsch: Gay Nazi Dolphins at a Gangbang

Ö 2014, 50 S., geheftet, € 5.00
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
A very special cartoon collection. Enjoy the disgusting, politically incorrect and hilarious world of Oliver Ottitsch!

Jean Boullet: Passion et Subversion

Jean Boullet: Passion et Subversion

F 2013, frz. Text, 315 pp. illustr., hardback, € 79.95
Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Europas.
Éditions Galerie au Bonheur du Jour
Der schwule französische Künstler Jean Boullet (Jahrgang 1921) erinnert mit seinen Zeichnungen stark an Jean Cocteau - zum einen sind seine Zeichnungen weniger abstrahiert als die von Cocteau - zum anderen weist er anders als Cocteau eine Vorliebe fürs Bizarre auf - inspirieren ließ er sich durch die literarischen Werke von Victor Hugo, Dante, Ovid, Shakepeare, Verlaine und Boris Vian. ... Weiterlesen

Stephen Farthing (Hg.): Derek Jarman: Die Skizzenbücher

Stephen Farthing (Hg.): Derek Jarman: Die Skizzenbücher

D 2013, 256 S., 400 Abb., geb., € 49.34
Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Europas.
Deutscher Kunstverlag
Die Filme des schwulen Regisseurs Derek Jarman erheben den ästhetischen Anspruch eines Kunstwerks: Spielfilme wie »Caravaggio«, »Edward II« oder »Sebastiane« inszenieren eine schwule Ästhetik, sie bestechen durch ihre Dramatik und ihre Magie. In etwa 30 Skizzenbüchern hielt Jarman seit den 1970er Jahren mit Zeichnungen die Einfälle für seine Filmsets fest und setzte Dialogfetzen, Textfragmente oder Gedankensplitter daneben. In der Gleichwertigkeit ... Weiterlesen

Katrina Daschner: Nouvelle Burlesque Brutal

Katrina Daschner: Nouvelle Burlesque Brutal

Ö 2012, 94 S., Farbe, Broschur, € 20.00
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
In ihrem dritten Buch bezieht sich die Bildende Künstlerin Katrina Daschner auf die drei Burlesque-Filme »Hafenperlen«, »Aria de Mustang« und »Flaming Flamingos«, die hier als burlesque Geschichten über Filmstills erzählt werden. Die Künstlerin möchte die Frau, die Sexualität personifiziert, wiederbeleben und begreift die Bühne bzw. den Ausstellungskontext als Umfeld, auf dem sexualisierte Performances, quasi Lustprozesse, stattfinden können. Der Bühnenraum wird ... Weiterlesen

Renate Lorenz: Queer Art

Renate Lorenz: Queer Art

A Freak Theory. D 2012, 180 S., brochure, € 20.40
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
transcript - Queer Studies
This is a queer theory of visual art - based on extensive readings of art works. »Queer Art« traces the question of how strategies of denormalization initiated by visual arts can be continued through writing. Art theoretical debates are combined with queer theory, postcolonial theory, and (dis)ability studies, proposing the three terms »radical drag«, »transtemporal drag«, and »abstract drag«. The ... Weiterlesen

Oscar Wilde: The Uncensored Picture of Dorian Gray

Oscar Wilde: The Uncensored Picture of Dorian Gray

USA 2011, 260 pp., brochure, € 34.95
Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Europas.
Belknap Harvard
»The Picture of Dorian Gray« altered the way Victorians understood the world they inhabited. It heralded the end of a repressive Victorianism, and after its publication, literature had a different look. Yet the »Dorian Gray« that Victorians never knew was even more daring than the novel the British press condemned as »vulgar«, »unclean«, »poisonous«, »discreditable«, and »a sham«. Now, more ... Weiterlesen

Christopher Simon Sykes: David Hockney - A Rake's Progress

Christopher Simon Sykes: David Hockney - A Rake's Progress

The Biography, 1937-1975. UK 2011, 364 pp. with numerous b/w + colour photographs, hardbound, € 29.95
Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Europas.
Drawing on unprecedented access to Hockney's extensive archives, notebooks, and paintings, as well as on interviews with family, friends, and Hockney himself, the biographer provides a colorful and intimate portrait of one of the most influential artists of the 20th century. Born in 1937, Hockney grew up in a Northern English town during the days of postwar austerity. By the ... Weiterlesen

Martin Gayford: A Bigger Message: Conversations with David Hockney

Martin Gayford: A Bigger Message: Conversations with David Hockney

UK 2011, 248 pp. with numerous b/w + color illustrations, hardbound, € 23.90
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Thames and Hudson
David Hockney is described as the world's most popular living painter. His exuberant work is widely loved, but he is also something else: an incisive and original thinker on art. Hockney reveals via reflection, anecdote, passion and humour the fruits of his lifelong meditations on the problems and paradoxes of representing a three-dimensional world on a flat surface. How does ... Weiterlesen

Lisa L. Moore: Sister Arts

Lisa L. Moore: Sister Arts

The Erotics of Lesbian Landscapes. USA 2011, 244 pp. illustrated, brochure, € 59.95
Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Europas.
University of Minnesota Press - Queer Studies
In the great age of English garden design, 18th-century women working in the »sister arts« of painting, poetry, and landscape gardening adapted the Linnaean system of plant classification and the tradition of the erotic garden to create art with and for other women that celebrated everything from classical friendship to erotic love. In this book, filled with lush illustrations and ... Weiterlesen

Andrew Graham-Dixon: Caravaggio

Andrew Graham-Dixon: Caravaggio

A Life Sacred and Profane. UK 2011, 514 pp. illustrated, brochure, € 15.60
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
For centuries Caravaggio's staggering artistic achievements have thrilled viewers, yet his volatile personal trajectory - the murder of Ranuccio Tomasini, the doubt surrounding Caravaggio's sexuality, the chain of events that began with his imprisonment on Malta and ended with his premature death - has long confounded historians. In a bravura performance, the biographer delves into the original Italian sources, presenting ... Weiterlesen

Christopher Reed: Art and Homosexuality

Christopher Reed: Art and Homosexuality

A History of Ideas. UK 2011, 285 pp., with numerous b/w and colour illustrations, hardbound, € 69.95
Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Europas.
Oxford University Press
This globe-spanning survey explores the radical, long-standing interdependence between art and homosexuality. It draws examples from the full range of the Western tradition, including classical, Renaissance, and contemporary art, with special focus on the modern era. It was in the modern period, when arguments about homosexuality and the avant-garde were especially public, that our current conception of the artist and ... Weiterlesen

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