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Thema: Regenbogenfamilien

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Alan Hollinghurst: The Spell

Alan Hollinghurst: The Spell

UK 2006, 257 pp., brochure, € 17.95
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
»The Spell« is a comedy of sexual manners that follows the interlocking affairs of four men: Robin, an architect in his late forties, who is trying to build an idyllic life in Dorset with his younger lover, Justin, Robin's 22 year old son Danny, a volatile beauty who lives for clubbing and casual sex, and the shy Alex, who is ... Weiterlesen

Ali Vali: The Devil Unleashed

Ali Vali: The Devil Unleashed

USA 2006, 175 pp., brochure, € 15.95
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
bella - Casey Family Series 2
A gunshot meant to end the legacy of the Casey Clan has left a weakened Cain fighting to regain control of her business while trying to protect her heart from the woman who left her. Threatened from every side, Cain must unleash that devil to protect all she holds dear. One by one, Cain faces her enemies and discovers the ... Weiterlesen

Ali Vali: The Devil Inside

Ali Vali: The Devil Inside

USA 2006, 240 pp., brochure, € 16.95
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Bella - Casey Family Series 1
Brains, guts, and ruthless ambition should be enough to come out on top in any fight. Except when the battle is over love, all bets are off. Derby Cain Casey was groomed from birth to take the reins of the Casey family enterprises, which just happens to be one of the major crime organizations in New Orleans. Surviving by never ... Weiterlesen

Julie A. Peters: Between Mom and Jo

Julie A. Peters: Between Mom and Jo

USA 2006, 232 pp., hardbound, € 16.69
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Nicholas Nathaniel Thomas Tyler has four first names and two mothers. As the only child in his class with gay parents, he endures the taunts and prejudices of classmates and adults over the years as best he can, drawing reassurance and strength from his parents. Challenges nearly overwhelm him, though, when their relationship ends. Jo moves out, and Nick, now ... Weiterlesen

Peggy Drexler with Linden Gross: Raising Boys Without Men

Peggy Drexler with Linden Gross: Raising Boys Without Men

USA 2006, 224 pp., brochure, € 12.39
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
According to prevailing wisdom, a boy must be raised with a man in the house. Otherwise, he's bound to be a failure. That same wisdom tells us that mothers left to their own devices will smother their sons and turn them into sissies, and that sons of unmarried women are destined to a life of crime. The author wasn't quite ... Weiterlesen

Linda de Haan, Stern Nijland: King & King and Family

Linda de Haan, Stern Nijland: King & King and Family

USA 2004, 32 S., Bilderbuch in englischer Sprache, geb., € 17.95
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
The sequel to »King & King«. King Lee and King Bertie have just married and embark on a honeymoon. As they fly off to jungle country, the two men soon discover that their cat has stowed away in their suitcase. The travelers happily tramp through the wilderness and paddle down a river, observing the wildlife as they go. Before long, ... Weiterlesen

Ken Setterington: Mom and Mum are Getting Married

Ken Setterington: Mom and Mum are Getting Married

USA 2004, 24 S., Bilderbuch mit englischem Text, Broschur, € 18.95
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Rosie's two mothers are going to get married. When Mom tells her daughter about their plans, the youngster asks if she can be a bridesmaid or a flower girl, but Mom just wants a small celebration. Rosie offers another option: she and her brother, Jack, will carry the rings. Predictably, when the big day arrives, the rings are temporarily misplaced ... Weiterlesen

Johnny Valentine: One Dad, Two Dads, Brown Dad, Blue Dads

Johnny Valentine: One Dad, Two Dads, Brown Dad, Blue Dads

USA 2004, 32 S., Bilderbuch mit englischem Text, Broschur, € 10.95
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
The message that all people are basically the same whatever their skin color or sexual orientation is a worthy one. In rhyming text, two children discuss a boy's two blue dads. He points out that, aside from their colour, they are the same as other fathers-they work, play, and laugh. His friend wonders how they got that way and offers ... Weiterlesen

Aleksi Salmenperä (R): Das Babyprojekt - Producing Adults

Aleksi Salmenperä (R): Das Babyprojekt - Producing Adults

FIN 2004, OF, dt.UT, 96 min., € 9.99
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Schon seit einiger Zeit trägt sich Venla mit dem Gedanken, Mutter werden zu wollen. Sie hätte so gern ein Baby. Und immer wieder drängt sie ihren Freund Antero, endlich mal etwas für das gemeinsame Babyprojekt zu tun. Insgeheim ist Eisschnellläufer Antero ganz und gar nicht auf Nachwuchs erpicht - sieht er doch bei seinem besten Freund, welche Einschränkungen das mit ... Weiterlesen

Timothy J. Beck: I'm Your Man

Timothy J. Beck: I'm Your Man

USA 2004, 376 pp., brochure, € 11.49
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
At thirtysomething, Blaine Dunhill has a great career in fashion advertising, a fab NYC apartment, and some loyal friends that he's trying to share amicably with his ex, a famous soap star. Working in the big-time cosmetics world is all about glamour and artifice (»Like Barbies that can talk«), but what the self-professed nice guy from Wisconsin really wants is ... Weiterlesen

Amanda Boulter: Back Around the Houses

Amanda Boulter: Back Around the Houses

UK 2003, 246pp., Pb, € 13.89
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
It's a long hot summer, and Gordon is nose down with his face in the grass, completely naked. The idea of coming away with a group of other men to find their animal, sensitive selves never appealed to him in the first place, and the sight of other men around him now in no way convinces him he was wrong. ... Weiterlesen

Nina Schindler: Väter und Sohn

Nina Schindler: Väter und Sohn

D 2003, 121 S., Pb, € 6.07
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Es werden aufregende Sommerferien für den 10jährigen Paul, die er bei seinem Vater in New York verbringen darf: noch nie zuvor ist er geflogen. Am Flughafen in N.Y. wird er von seinem Vater abgeholt, den Paul bis dahin nur von Fotos her kannte. Zum Glück findet Paul seinen Vater auf Anhieb sympathisch. Doch als Paul erfährt, dass sein Erzeuger schwul ... Weiterlesen

Harlyn Aizley: Buying Dad

Harlyn Aizley: Buying Dad

USA 2003, 317 pp., brochure, € 15.65
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
What do two nice Jewish girls do when they want to start a family? They can marry two nice Jewish boys, or if they happen to be lesbians, they can buy sperm online from California. »Buying Dad« is a hilarious, edgy, first-person chronicle of a woman engaged in a very alternative family-planning experience. Harlyn Aizley peels back the layers of ... Weiterlesen

Suzanne Johnson, Elizabeth O'Connor: The Gay Baby Boom

Suzanne Johnson, Elizabeth O'Connor: The Gay Baby Boom

USA 2002, 193 pp., brochure, € 49.95
Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Europas.
Advances in gay rights coupled with increased availability of alternative reproduction techniques have led to an unprecedented number of openly gay and lesbian parents. Yet, very little is known about how gay or lesbian headed families function, or whether they differ in any relevant ways from families headed by straight parents. »The Gay Baby Boom« reports the findings of »The ... Weiterlesen

Norbert F. Schneider / Heike Matthias-Bleck (Hg.): Elternschaft heute

Norbert F. Schneider / Heike Matthias-Bleck (Hg.): Elternschaft heute

Gesellschaftliche Rahmenbedingungen und individuelle Gestaltungsaufgaben. D 2002, 268 S., Broschur, € 22.70
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Im Zuge des fortschreitenden gesellschaftlichen Wandels haben sich die Institutionen Ehe und Familie nachhalig gewandelt und wandeln sich noch. Diesem Wandel besonders unterworfen sind Elternrollen und Elternschaft. Dies hängt zuammen mit neuartigen an Mütter und Väter gerichteten Rollenerwartungen, mit veränderten Einstellungen gegenüber Kindern, mit der Aufwertung der gesellschaftlichen Stellung von Kindern und mit der Etablierung neuer Leitbilder, etwa den »Neuen ... Weiterlesen

Michael Galluccio Jon: An American Family

Michael Galluccio Jon: An American Family

USA 2001, 276 pp., brochure, € 18.55
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
After years in a committed relationship, Jon and Michael Galluccio became foster parents to Adam, a premature infant born with the HIV virus and addicted to crack, heroin, marijuana, and alcohol. With love and care, the Galluccios nursed Adam through the many emergencies of his first year back to health and decided to apply for adoption after they had realized ... Weiterlesen

Suzanne Johnson, Elizabeth O'Connor: For Lesbian Parents

Suzanne Johnson, Elizabeth O'Connor: For Lesbian Parents

Your Guide to Helping Your Family Grow up Happy, Healthy, and Proud. USA 2001, 248 pp., brochure, € 16.95
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Raising a child is overwhelming, thrilling, exhausting, terrifiying, and joyous - and all at the same time. In addition to the adjustments that any new parents must make, lesbian mothers face numerous special questions and conerns. With clarity and wit, the authors offer helbpful advice on what kids need to know, and at what age, how to help them respond ... Weiterlesen

Jürgen Basedow u.a. (Hg.): Die Rechtsstellung gleichgeschlechtlicher Lebensgemeinschaften

Jürgen Basedow u.a. (Hg.): Die Rechtsstellung gleichgeschlechtlicher Lebensgemeinschaften

D 2001, 423 S., geb., € 71.00
Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Europas.
Dieser Band enthält im wesentlichen das umfangreiche rechtsvergleichende Gutachten, das das Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums der Justiz erstattet hat. Anlass war die Vorbereitung einer Regelung der Rechtsstellung gleichgeschlechtlicher Lebensgemeinschaften. Ausführliche Berichte beschäftigen sich mit der einschlägigen Gesetzgebung in den nordischen Ländern, den Niederlanden, in Frankreich und Spanien und untersuchen den Stand der Entwicklung in ... Weiterlesen

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