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Thema: Reportagefotografie

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Vlad Dobre: Vienna Night Creatures

Vlad Dobre: Vienna Night Creatures

Ö 2024, 224 S., S/W, Farbe, geb., € 99.95
Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Europas.
Mit seinem Coffeetable-Fotobuch »Vienna Night Creatures« taucht der rumänische, in Wien lebende Fotograf und Künstler Vlad Dobre in die Welt des Wiener Nightlifes ein. Mit seiner Linse lichtet er gekonnt und stilistisch sicher die Menschen ab, die die queeren Subkulturen prägen: Drag Queens, Designer, schwule Individualisten, TänzerInnen und Tänzer, die sich dort alle durch extravagante Kostüme, bezaubernde Performances und kühne ... Weiterlesen
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Flora Dunster / Theo Gordon: Photography - A Queer History

Flora Dunster / Theo Gordon: Photography - A Queer History

How LGBTQ+ Photographers Shaped the Art. UK 2024, 256 pp., illustrated, hardback, € 59.95
Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Europas.
»Photography - A Queer History« examines how photography has been used by artists to capture, create and expand the category »Queer«. It bookmarks different thematic concerns central to queer photography, forging unexpected connections to showcase the diverse ways the medium has been used to fashion queer identities and communities. How has photography advanced fights against LGBTQ discrimination? How have artists ... Weiterlesen
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David LaChapelle: Lost + Found

David LaChapelle: Lost + Found

D 2024, 284 S., Farbe, geb., € 40.00
Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Europas.
Die Bücher bilden den vierten und fünften Teil von David LaChapelles fünfbändiger Anthologie, die mit LaChapelle Land (1996) begann und kurz darauf mit Hotel LaChapelle (1999) und später mit Heaven to Hell (2006) fortgesetzt wurde. Ein großer Teil der Werke entstand nach der Auszeit, die sich LaChapelle 2006 in einer von ihm gekauften ehemaligen Nudistenkolonie auf Hawaii nahm. Celebrities ... Weiterlesen

Rick Burger: Strength

Rick Burger: Strength

D 2024, 80 S., Broschur, € 35.00
Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Europas.
Rick Burger Photography
Als Rick Burger 2019 auf einen Facebook Artikel stieß, der über die so genannten LGBT freien Zonen in Polen berichtete, ist er nach Warschau gefahren um die Mitglieder der »Kampagne gegen Homophobie« zu porträtieren. Durch intensive Recherche kam er mit weiteren Aktivistinnen und Aktivisten in Kontakt, darunter Mitglieder von »Pussy Riot«, Protagonisten aus dem Film »Welcome to Chechnya« und Mitglieder ... Weiterlesen
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Paco y Manolo (eds.): Kink No. 40 - Spring/Summer 2024

Paco y Manolo (eds.): Kink No. 40 - Spring/Summer 2024

Spanien 2024, Engl. / span. Text, 176 pp., b/w, colour, brochure, € 22.00
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Paco y Manolo
KINK 40, a fine gay magazine by Paco y Manolo, Color, B/W. Spanish-English bilingual. Sprin/Summer 2024 plus CUADERNO 21 : »Le cabine d'amour de Fred«, by Frederic Vaesen. 16 pages. B/W. Spanish-English bilingual. Almost since three decades Paco y Manolo protect contemporary photography from artifice: showing a delicate soft spot for windows, flat roofs and endlessly landscapes and flooding the ... Weiterlesen

Spyros Rennt: Corporeal

Spyros Rennt: Corporeal

D 2023, 160 S., geb., € 44.95
Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Europas.
»Corporeal« ist Spyros Rennts neue Auswahl an aktuellen Fotoarbeiten. Beeinflusst ist seine Fotografie von Erfahrungen und Beobachtungen in der queeren Community und im Untergrund der Clubszene aus der Perspektive eines Insiders. Die Fotos sind sehr persönlich gehalten und schwanken zwischen zärtlich und hart. Auch Humor spielt eine Rolle in Rennts Fotografie. Freunde und Lover zählen zu seinen beliebtesten Fotoobjekten. Beziehungen ... Weiterlesen
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Elska Magazine: elska TBILISI Georgia

Elska Magazine: elska TBILISI Georgia

UK 2023, 180 pp., brochure, € 19.90
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Liam Campbell - ELSKA 44
In this issue we met a cross-section of ordinary local men from the city's LGBTQ community, who we present to you through intimate photography and personal storytelling. The men you'll find here are representative of Tbilisi at a very particular moment in history. Russia's war against Ukraine led to the arrival of over 100,000 Russians trying to escape conscription ... Weiterlesen

Paco y Manolo (eds.): Kink No.39 - Autumn/Winter 2023

Paco y Manolo (eds.): Kink No.39 - Autumn/Winter 2023

Spanien 2023, Engl. / span. Text, 132 pp., b/w, colour, brochure, € 18.00
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Paco y Manolo
KINK 39, a fine gay magazine by Paco y Manolo, Color, B/W. Spanish-English bilingual. Autumn and winter 2023/24 plus CUADERNO 20 : »Summer Study«, by Pepo Moreno. 16 pages. B/W. Spanish-English bilingual. Almost since three decades Paco y Manolo protect contemporary photography from artifice: showing a delicate soft spot for windows, flat roofs and endlessly landscapes and flooding the photography ... Weiterlesen

Elska Magazine: Elska Magazine: elska HAIFA (Israel)

Elska Magazine: Elska Magazine: elska HAIFA (Israel)

UK 2023, 180 pp., brochure, € 19.90
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Liam Campbell - Elska 14
This issue was made in beautiful Haifa, Israel's most diverse big city. Inside this bookazine you'll get to know a dozen local men from the local LGBTQ community, comprising representatives from the city's sizeable Jewish, Arab, and post-Soviet cohorts, presented through a combination of intimate photography and honest storytelling. Each of the participants was shot in their city's streets and ... Weiterlesen

Elska Magazine: Elska Collectors' Postcard Set - Volume 08

Elska Magazine: Elska Collectors' Postcard Set - Volume 08

Local Boys + Local Stories, € 19.90
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Liam Campbell
40 postcards out of 40 elska magazines

Elska Magazine: elska ISTANBUL (Turkey)

Elska Magazine: elska ISTANBUL (Turkey)

UK 2023, 180 pp., brochure, € 19.90
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Liam Campbell - ELSKA 44
This issue was made in Istanbul, Turkey. This is that famous city that straddles two continents; that infamous city that sees its steadfast liberal spirit battling against its growing conservative contingent to hold on to its »Europeanness«. Certainly many of the people we met here referred to Istanbul as the gayest city in the Muslim world, yet some of these ... Weiterlesen

Elska Magazine: elska BANGKOK (Thailand)

Elska Magazine: elska BANGKOK (Thailand)

UK 2023, 165 pp., brochure, € 19.90
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Liam Campbell - ELSKA 43
This issue was made in Bangkok, Thailand. This is one of the world's gay wonderland, a place that serves as a safe haven and holiday hotspot for LGBTQ travellers from everywhere, but what is it like to actually live here? Is it the queer paradise so many visitors perceive it to be? That's what the makers of elska aimed to ... Weiterlesen

Nan Goldin: The Other Side

Nan Goldin: The Other Side

D 2023, 192 pp., hardbound, € 49.40
Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Europas.
This is an expanded and updated version of Nan Goldin's seminal book »The Other Side«, originally published in 1993. There will be a revised introduction by Goldin, and for the first time the voices of those whose stories are represented. Now being released at a time when the discourse around gender and sexual orientation is evolving, »The Other Side« traces ... Weiterlesen

Nan Goldin: This Will Not End Well

Nan Goldin: This Will Not End Well

D 2023, 216 pp., geb., € 49.40
Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Europas.
»This Will Not End Well« is the first book to present a comprehensive overview of Nan Goldin's work as a filmmaker. Accompaning the retrospective show and tour of the same name, organized by Moderna Museet, Stockholm, the book draws from the nearly dozen slideshows and films Goldin has made from thousands of photographs, film sequences, audio tapes and music tracks. ... Weiterlesen

Chloe Sherman: Renegades. San Francisco: The 1990s

Chloe Sherman: Renegades. San Francisco: The 1990s

D 2023, 128 pp., hardcover, € 42.00
Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Europas.
Hatje Cantz
In the 1990s, queer youth, outcasts and artists, flocked to San Francisco to find one another and to experiment with art, self-expression, style, and gender. Rent was affordable, paving the way for queer bars, clubs, tattoo shops, galleries, cafes, bookstores, and women-owned businesses to emerge. A new wave of feminism embraced gender bending, and butch/femme culture flourished. The Mission District ... Weiterlesen

Elska Magazine: elska ALMATY Kazakhstan

Elska Magazine: elska ALMATY Kazakhstan

UK 2023, 140 pp., brochure, € 19.90
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Liam Campbell - ELSKA 42
This issue was made in Almaty, the largest city in Kazakhstan and a burgeoning centre of LGBTQ culture in Central Asia. This is the sort of place that we expect the bulk of the elska readership to know little about, and before coming here the makers of elska were also rather in the dark. Apart from vague notions of what ... Weiterlesen

Matteo Milaneschi: X issue 1 - inside the outlying bodies

Matteo Milaneschi: X issue 1 - inside the outlying bodies

IT 2023, 384 pp., magazine, € 24.95
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
»X« is born, a magazine without a name, transparent shroud made only of what it contains. »X« is the annual magazine that changes shape depending on what it contains. »X« freezes on paper the power of visual art and his translated and it welcomes with joy the delirium of those who are called to write; pain, battles, sequence of errors, ... Weiterlesen

Jack Parlett: The Poetics of Cruising: Queer Visual Culture from Whitman to Grindr

Jack Parlett: The Poetics of Cruising: Queer Visual Culture from Whitman to Grindr

USA 2022. 252 pp., brochure, € 49.95
Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Europas.
University of Minnesota Press
»The Poetics of Cruising« explores the relationship between cruising, photography, and the visual in the work of leading poets, from Walt Whitman in the nineteenth century to Eileen Myles in the twenty-first. What is it that happens, asks Jack Parlett, and what is it that is sought, in this often transient moment of perception we call cruising, this perceptual arena ... Weiterlesen

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