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Thema: explizite Erotik

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Anja Müller, Mathias Trostdorf: Mein schwules Auge Nummer zwei

Anja Müller, Mathias Trostdorf: Mein schwules Auge Nummer zwei

D 2004, 298 S., brosch., € 16.00
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Konkursbuchverlag - Mein schwules Auge 2
Auch der schwule Ableger von »Mein heimliches Auge« ist ein Erfolg geworden. Drum folgt nun der zweite Band. Ganz nach dem Erfolgrezept der Hauptreihe werden auch hier geile Texte mit anregenden Bildstrecken vermengt, und heraus kommt ein feines Erotikum. Beiträge leisten textlich u.a. Thomas Mindt, Clemens Ismann, Andy Claus, Peter Tschiche, Dirk Ludigs, Peter Nathschläger, Axel Schock und bildlich u.a. ... Weiterlesen

Jim Baker (Hg.): Hiebe und Triebe 3

Jim Baker (Hg.): Hiebe und Triebe 3

D 2004, 218 S., Broschur, € 15.40
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Querverlag - Hiebe und Triebe 3
Nach der Erfolg der beiden Vorgängerbände wird »Hiebe und Triebe« natürlich fortgesetzt: verschiedene schwule Autoren - darunter Jörg Feiertag, Ralf König und Jan Stressenreuter - wagen einen Ausflug in die Erotica: grob, versaut, heimlich, gefühlvoll - für jeden dürfte im Hinblick auf schwule Sexfantasien etwas dabei sein. Ob »Aarons Arsch«, »Fucking Faggot«, »Muss mal«, griechische Speerwerfer, Spritztouren oder »Fastfood, türkisch« ... Weiterlesen

Joel B. Tan: Best Gay Asian Erotica

Joel B. Tan: Best Gay Asian Erotica

USA 2004, 252 pp., brochure, € 13.99
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Go beyond the locker room in this playful, imaginative, and lushly written collection of gay Asian erotica, with settings as diverse as a bamboo grove in China and a sleepy crank caller's L.A. apartment. This homoerotic anthology brings together stories of lust and adventure - each with a queer Asian man as the focus of desire. In »Mimesis«, a newly ... Weiterlesen

Ben Tyler: Gay Blades

Ben Tyler: Gay Blades

USA 2004, 308 pp., brochure, € 12.99
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Never in a million years did lean, muscled, competitive figure skater Garry Windsor imagine he'd sink to performing nightly in »Gold on Ice«, a glittery, gaudy, touring ice-skating show. Maybe if he hadn't fallen on his adorable buns with each attempted quad jump during his one-shot Olympic program, he'd be beaming from a box of cereal. Garry's only consolation in ... Weiterlesen

Clemens Ismann: Zahl mit deinem Leben

Clemens Ismann: Zahl mit deinem Leben

D 2004, 240 S., brosch., € 12.28
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Im ersten Moment scheint alles klar zu sein: ein Mord in der Stricherszene, der sehr nach Rache an einem Konkurrenten aussieht. Bis Vic aufgekreuzt war, war der 19jährige Stricher Drago unumstritten die Nummer eins im »Peperoni«. Doch die Freier schienen nun voll auf Vic abzufahren und Drago links liegen zu lassen. Das konnte wohl nicht gutgehen. Als Vic tot aufgefunden ... Weiterlesen

Lukas Scott: Legion of Lust

Lukas Scott: Legion of Lust

UK 2004, 211 pp., brochure, € 17.59
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Young Roman soldier Titus is stationed in Britannia just after Boudicca's rebellion, where he belongs to the mysterious and erotic Mithras cult. The sect's rites grow more and more extreme, until Titus realises that he may be required to betray his secret lover, the Celtic druid Coll, who is himself a follower of the old ways of the Britons. A ... Weiterlesen

Geoff Ryman: Lust

Geoff Ryman: Lust

USA 2004, 400 pp., brochure, € 14.79
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Every office fantasy, every movie-star crush, every longing in the gym becomes reality for Michael Blasco. Michael discovers he has the extraordinary power to make anyone he fantasizes about come to life and do whatever he wants whenever he wants it. His usual fantasy about his gym instructor takes an unsuspected turn when his instructor stands next to Michael on ... Weiterlesen

Greg Wharton, Ian Philips (eds.): Law of Desire

Greg Wharton, Ian Philips (eds.): Law of Desire

USA 2004, 247 pp., brochure, € 14.79
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
When does desire cross the line between lust and obsession? It can begin with a glance or even just a glimpse. Then suddenly all those peripheral matters in life - Mom's birthday, dinner with friends, eating, sleeping, breathing - get shoved out of their usual comfortable spots in your brain to make room for the thing that makes you jack ... Weiterlesen

Pamela Gibson (ed.): More Dirty Looks

Pamela Gibson (ed.): More Dirty Looks

UK 2004, 264 pp., brochure, € 49.95
Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Europas.
Hailed as »a paradigm shift in feminist responses to pornography« when first published in 1993, »Dirty Looks« was instantly lauded as a landmark volume. This new edition adds to the core of the original selection new accounts of recent transformations in the politics and presentation of porn. The authors argue for the significance of porn in debates around gender, feminism, ... Weiterlesen

Jesse Grant (ed.): Just the Sex

Jesse Grant (ed.): Just the Sex

USA 2004, 257 pp., brochure, € 14.79
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
What are you really after in a one-handed read? Less flipping, more stroking. Just want to get to the good parts? Well, here they are - stripped down and served up streaming hot to satisfy your appetite for pure man-on-man sex. In this collection of extra-lean stories you'll find some of the best dirty words ever written by M. Christian, ... Weiterlesen

R.W. Clinger: The Pool Boy

R.W. Clinger: The Pool Boy

USA 2004, 171 pp., brochure, € 15.89
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
The pool boy is at work. You don't mean to stare, but can't help yourself. His shirt is off, exposing his tight, athletic torso. His golden skin glistens in the sunlight. He bends over, and your imagination goes deep. Then he pauses, and turns slowly in your direction. He sees you, standing there, watching him. Your desire for him is ... Weiterlesen

William Maltese: Pavel, der Slovake

William Maltese: Pavel, der Slovake

Dt. v. Gerold Hens. D 2004, 249 S., Pb, € 12.28
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Spätestens seit dem Erfolg von Bel Ami besitzen junge slowakische Männer einen besonderen Reiz. In diesen neuen homoerotischen Geschichten aus der Loverboys-Reihe lernen wir den jungen Slowaken Pavel kennen, der schon lange Lust auf Sex mit Männern hat. Nur - bislang hat sich einfach keine Gelegenheit dazu ergeben. Nun will es Pavel endlich wissen. Am besten - das stellt sich ... Weiterlesen

Tim Brough: Sgt. Vlengles' Revenge and Other Abuses of Power

Tim Brough: Sgt. Vlengles' Revenge and Other Abuses of Power

USA 2003, 143 pp., brochure, € 13.99
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
The 2nd anthology from gay fetish author Tim Brough. The title story twists and turns as Sgt. Vlengles meets up with a cadet whom, 18 years ago, managed to get him dismissed from his post as a Police Academy superintendent. In a session that goes horribly wrong, the participants each discover that revenge may not be so sweet. This kind ... Weiterlesen

A.D. Peterkin: Outbursts!

A.D. Peterkin: Outbursts!

A Queer Erotic Thesaurus. CAN 2003, 149 pp., brochure, € 16.29
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Erotic slang words from the U.K., Canada, the U.S., Australia, and other English-speaking nations number well into the tens of thousands. But the history of terms used to describe the sexual activities of gays and lesbians have opposing sources: one, the discreet networks of gay men and lesbians who sought to come up with a new terminology for the pleasures ... Weiterlesen

Jay Wiseman: Tricks to Please a Man

Jay Wiseman: Tricks to Please a Man

USA 2003, 146 pp., brochure, € 13.85
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
The wham-bam days are over. Today's man wants slow, skillful pleasure and plenty of it - to all the usual places, and a few new ones. Based on bestselling sex author/educator Jay Wiseman's underground »Tricks« series (how to make good sex better) this compilation of juicy ways to spice up your bedroom play has been harvested from sexual experts all ... Weiterlesen

James C. Johnstone (Hg.): Quickies No. 3

James C. Johnstone (Hg.): Quickies No. 3

USA 2003, 224 pp., brochure, € 16.95
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
The previous editions of »Quickies« have appeared on numerous bestseller lists and are acknowledged sources for hot, uninhibited tales of love, lust, and desire between men - all in 1,000 words or less, from writers in the U.S., Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, Germany, and South Africa. The stories run the gamut of men's sexual experiences, from quirky and touching ... Weiterlesen

M. Christian, Paul Willis (eds.): Bad Boys

M. Christian, Paul Willis (eds.): Bad Boys

USA 2003, 214 pp., brochure, € 13.95
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
No experience brings you closer to the white-hot source of male sexual energy than a group scene. In this anthology of true underground group-sex stories, Felice Picano, Emanuel Xavier, Bob Vickery, and other fearless sex scribes take you through the hidden doors of some of the most delectably sordid flesh markets in San Francisco, New York, New Orleans, Paris, and ... Weiterlesen

Paul J. Willis (ed.): View to a Thrill

Paul J. Willis (ed.): View to a Thrill

USA 2003, 222 pp., brochure, € 19.95
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Watching is only half the fun. »View to a Thrill« captures the essence of erotic voyeurism. From the illicit thrill of clandestine observation to fantasies about faces caught on film to the nuances of being on both sides of the voyeur/exhibitionist mirror, this book treats readers to the hottest form of voyeurism: piercing and provocative, these stories hit their mark ... Weiterlesen

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