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Thema: Kulturgeschichte

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David Leddick (Hg.): The Male Nude

David Leddick (Hg.): The Male Nude

D 2015, 576 S., Farbe u. S/W, geb., € 20.60
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Zum 25-Jahre-Jubiläum des Taschen-Verlags gab der Verlag in einer unschlagbar günstigen, limitierten Auflage einen seiner größten Erfolge im Bereich der Männerfotografie noch einmal heraus: auf über 500 Seiten wird die Geschichte der Männerfotografie anhand von ebenso vielen Bildbeispielen von den Anfängen bis zum Ende des vergangenen Jahrhunderts aufgezeigt. Dabei werden Änderungen im präferierten Körpertyp, in den männlichen Schönheitsidealen und in ... Weiterlesen

Kevin Clarke: Porn - from Andy Warho to X-Tube

Kevin Clarke: Porn - from Andy Warho to X-Tube

D 2013, 256 S., Broschur, € 49.95
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Bruno Gmünder
Die Geschichte des schwulen Pornos ist verdammt spannend: Von den diskreten Anfängen in den späten Sechzigern bis zum Pay-per-Minute Porno, den wir uns direkt auf den heimischen Bildschirm streamen, war es ein weiter Weg, der in großen Schritten zurückgelegt wurde. Das Buch führt reich bebildert in deutscher und englischer Sprache durch die Jahrzehnte.

Louis-Georges Tin: The Invention of Heterosexual Culture

Louis-Georges Tin: The Invention of Heterosexual Culture

USA/UK 2012, 197 pp., hardbound, € 27.95
Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Europas.
MIT Press
Heterosexuality is celebrated - in film and on TV, in pop songs and opera, in literature and on greeting cards - and at the same time taken for granted. It is the cultural and sexual norm by default. And yet, in premodern Europe heterosexuality was perceived as an alternative culture. The practice of heterosexuality may have been standard, but the ... Weiterlesen

Jack Halberstam: The Queer Art of Failure

Jack Halberstam: The Queer Art of Failure

USA/UK 2011, 212 pp. illustrated, brochure, € 49.95
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It's about finding alternatives - to conventional understandings of success in a heteronormative, capitalist society, to academic disciplines that confirm what is already known according to approved methods of knowing, and to cultural criticism that claims to break new ground but cleaves to conventional archives. The author proposes »low theory« as a mode of thinking and writing that operates at ... Weiterlesen

Alice Echols: Hot Stuff

Alice Echols: Hot Stuff

Disco and the Remaking of American Culture. USA 2011, 338pp. with numerous b/w photographs, brochure, € 15.95
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
In the 1970s, disco became inseparable from the emergence of the »gay macho«, a rising black middle class, and a growing, if equivocal, openness about female sexuality. The disco scene carved out a haven for gay men who reclaimed their sexuality on dance floors where they had once been surveilled and harassed: and gay discos needed music - the genre ... Weiterlesen

Whitney Davis: Queer Beauty

Whitney Davis: Queer Beauty

Sexuality and Aesthetics from Winckelmann to Freud and Beyond. USA 2010, 354pp. with numerous b/w photographs, hardbound, € 48.95
Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Europas.
The pioneering work of Johann Winckelmann identified a homoerotic appreciation of male beauty in classical Greek sculpture, a fascination that endured in Western art since the Greeks. Yet after Winckelmann, the value (even the possibility) of art's queer beauty was often denied. Several theorists, notably the philosopher Immanuel Kant, broke sexual attraction and aesthetic appreciation into separate or duelling domains. ... Weiterlesen

Mels van Driel: Manhood

Mels van Driel: Manhood

The Rise and Fall of the Penis. UK 2009, 288 pp. illustrated, hardbound, € 34.95
Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Europas.
The ancient Greeks paraded enormous sculptural replicas in annual celebration of the penis. Freud theorized that women suffered penis envy. An undeniable global symbol of power and virility since the beginning of humankind, the penis has been much discussed and depicted, yet its place in folklore and popular culture past and present remains an uneasy mix of deprecation and aggrandizement. ... Weiterlesen

Ian Jenkins, Victoria Turner: The Greek Body

Ian Jenkins, Victoria Turner: The Greek Body

UK 2009, 144 pp. illustrated, hardbound, € 26.80
Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Europas.
To the ancient Greeks the human body in sculpture was both an object of sensory delight and an expression of an intelligent mind. From the abstract simplicity of prehistoric Cycladic figurines to later realism, sculptors gave form to thought in a rich harvest of artworks that have had a profound influence upon western visual culture. Through photographs and close-up views, ... Weiterlesen

Desmond Morris: The Naked Man

Desmond Morris: The Naked Man

A Study of the Male Body. UK 2009, 280 pp., brochure, € 17.95
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
After »The Naked Woman«, the author investigates an evolutionary success story - not without raising some dispute about this book. The masculine body is studied from head to toe - examining biological features of the male anatomy in illuminating detail and describing the many ways in which these features have been modified, suppressed, or exaggerated by local customs and changes ... Weiterlesen

Cathy Crimmins: How the Homosexuals Saved Civilization

Cathy Crimmins: How the Homosexuals Saved Civilization

USA 2005, 217 pp., brochure, € 14.99
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Over the past 50 years, the line between what is straight and what is gay has blurred to the point where most heterosexuals are unaware of the vast contributions gay men have made to American culture. The queering of America has gradually been shaping the way straight people talk, think, dress, and eat. Our irony-soaked culture draws liberally from the ... Weiterlesen

Will Fellows: A Passion to Preserve

Will Fellows: A Passion to Preserve

USA 2004, 288 pp., cloth, € 28.60
Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Europas.
From large cities to rural communities, gay men have long been impassioned pioneers as keepers of culture: rescuing and restoring derelict buildings, revitalizing blighted neighborhoods, saving artifacts and documents of historical significance. This penchant to preserve, though widely observed, is typically ignored or dismissed as a stereotypical gay cliché, even by many gay men themselves. »A Passion to Preserve« explores ... Weiterlesen

David L. Eng: Racial Castration

David L. Eng: Racial Castration

Managing Masculinity in Asian America. USA 2003, 292 pp., brochure, € 24.99
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
The author explores the role of sexuality in racial formation and the place of race in sexual identity. He examines images - literary, visual, and filmic - that configure past as well as contemporary perceptions of Asian American men as emasculated, homosexualized, or queer. While situating relevant literary and cultural productions in relation to both psychoanalytic theory and historical events ... Weiterlesen

Germaine Greer: Der Knabe

Germaine Greer: Der Knabe

Dt.v. Sylvia Strasser. D 2003, 256 S., geb., € 40.99
Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Europas.
Die Feministin Germaine Greer widmet sich in ihrem neuesten Buch einem der beherrschendsten Motive der Kunstgeschichte überhaupt, dem Knaben. Der Knabe befindet sich in der Übergangsphase vom Kind zum Mann, seine Sexualität ist noch nicht voll entwickelt, dafür umso experimentierfreudiger - alles erscheint offen. Sein Körper lässt zukünftige Vollkommenheit erst erahnen und erlaubt ein hohes Maß an Projektion, das die ... Weiterlesen

Paul Baker, Jo Stanley: Hello Sailor!

Paul Baker, Jo Stanley: Hello Sailor!

The Hidden History of Gay Life at Sea. UK/USA/AUS 2003, 272 pp., pb., € 49.95
Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Europas.
When homosexuality was illegal and gay men were closeted there were few safe places to be. Apart from the theatre, passenger ships provided the only space where gay men could be not only out, but outrageously camp. Efficient, able-bodied seamen by day, queens and butches strutted their stuff below deck at night, dressed up as their favourite Hollywood stars. »Hello ... Weiterlesen

Wilhelm Trapp: Der schöne Mann

Wilhelm Trapp: Der schöne Mann

D 2003, 198 S., broschur, € 30.70
Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Europas.
Ein schöner Mann - jahrhunderte lang war dieser Stereotyp mit schweren Vorurteilen behaftet und Verunglimpfungen ausgesetzt: er galt als unmännlich, effeminiert, gegebenenfalls sogar als homosexuell. Die mediale Flut der Abbildungen schöner Männer aus neuerer Zeit hat diese Vorurteil noch nicht ganz beseitigen können, obwohl einiges in Bewegung geraten ist. Das Nichtvorhandensein einer männlichen Ästhetik in der europäischen Kulturgeschichte verblüfft um ... Weiterlesen

Lee Wallace: Sexual Encounters

Lee Wallace: Sexual Encounters

USA 2003, 175 pp., brochure, € 20.99
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
European literary, artistic, and anthropological representation has long viewed the Pacific as the site of heterosexual pleasures. The viewed wisdom of these accounts is based on the idea of female bodies unrestrained by civilisation. In a revisionist history of the Pacific zone and some of its preeminent Western imaginists, the author suggests that the fantasy of the male body, rather ... Weiterlesen

David M. Friedman: A Mind of Its Own

David M. Friedman: A Mind of Its Own

A Cultural History of the Penis. USA 2003, 358 pp., Pb, € 19.90
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Setting out to »make intellectual and emotional sense of a man's relationship with his defining organ«, the author moves from highbrow to lowbrow in this lighthearted but substantive cultural history of the penis. Successively viewed as a life source, a symbol of sacred covenant with God, an emblem of shame, an instrument of domination, a mere prop for the pharmaceutical ... Weiterlesen

Paul Baker: Fantabulosa

Paul Baker: Fantabulosa

A Dictionary of Polari and Gay Slang. USA/UK 2002, 242 pp., brochure, € 39.99
Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Europas.
Polari has been the secret language of gay men and women through the 20th century. But more than a language, Polari is an attitude. From the prisons and music halls of Edwardian England to Kenneth Williams, American GIs in London and the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, Polari has been used to laugh, to bitch, to gossip and to cruise. Since ... Weiterlesen

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