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Religion, Psychologie

J. W. Wright / Everett K. Rowson: Homoeroticism in Classical Arabic Literature

J. W. Wright / Everett K. Rowson: Homoeroticism in Classical Arabic Literature

USA 1998, 239 pp., brochure, € 69.95
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Columbia University Press
There is a wealth of homoerotic allusion found in classical Arabic literature from pre-Islamic poems to the »Thousand and One Nights«. Images and narratives often glorify the male body as beautiful, youthful, or erotic. While such masculine allusion and homoerotic imagery have been recognized as significant elements of classical Arabic literature, they have either been misunderstood or lacked sustained analysis. ... Weiterlesen

Daniel Rosenblatt: Zwischen Männern - Gestalttherapie und Homosexualität

Daniel Rosenblatt: Zwischen Männern - Gestalttherapie und Homosexualität

D 1998, 208 S., Broschur, € 14.30
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Peter Hammer
Während Psychoanalyse und Psychiatrie jahrzehntelang von Perversion sprachen und im »besten« Falle Beihilfe zur Anpassung boten, distanzierten sich Fritz und Lore Perls - die Begründer der Gestalttherapie - von dieser herkömmlichen Betrachtung sexueller Vorlieben. Sie gingen bei der Wahl ihrer Mitarbeiter, Gefährten und Freunde nicht nach deren sexuellen Neigungen, sondern nach ihren persönlichen Qualitäten - so sehr, dass Gestalttherapie zeitweilig ... Weiterlesen

Stephen O. Murray / Will Roscoe: Islamic Homosexualities

Stephen O. Murray / Will Roscoe: Islamic Homosexualities

Culture, History, and Literature. USA 1997, 331 pp., brochure, € 49.95
Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Europas.
New York University Press
The first anthropological collection that reveals patterns of male and female homosexuality in the Muslim World.- The dramatic impact of Islamic fundamentalism in recent years has skewed our image of Islamic history and culture. Stereotypes depict Islamic societies as economically backward, hyper-patriarchal, and fanatically religious. But in fact, the Islamic world encompasses a great diversity of cultures and a great ... Weiterlesen

Mark D. Jordan: The Invention of Sodomy in Christian Theology

Mark D. Jordan: The Invention of Sodomy in Christian Theology

UK 1997, 200 pp., brochure, € 49.95
Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Europas.
Oxford University Press
This text explores the invention of sodomy in medieval Christendom, examining its conceptual foundations in theology and gauging its impact on Christian sexual ethics both then and now. It traces the historical genealogy of this enduring cultural construct through many of the idiosyncratic worldviews of the Middle Ages - worldviews at war with themselves in their attitudes toward sex, love ... Weiterlesen

Michael Shernoff: Gay Widowers

Michael Shernoff: Gay Widowers

Life After the Death of a Partner. UK 1997, 147 pp., brochure, € 39.95
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A recent gay widower may find that once the shock and initial confusion of losing his partner is overcome, there are still many hard, lonely, and overwhelming stages of grief to be worked through. Often, the bereaved feels isolated, and looking around for comfort, realizes that he doesn't have many resources to turn to, but »Gay Widowers: Life After the ... Weiterlesen

Mark Blasius, Shane Phelan (eds.): We Are Everywhere

Mark Blasius, Shane Phelan (eds.): We Are Everywhere

USA/UK 1997, 844 pp., brochure, € 98.00
Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Europas.
This historical sourcebook of gay and lesbian politics brings together the key primary sources relating to the politics of homosexuality. Presenting political, historical, legal, literary and psychological documents which trace the evolution of the gay and lesbian movement, this edited volume includes such diverse documents as organization pamphlets, essays, polemics, speeches, newspaper and journal articles, and academic papers - from ... Weiterlesen

Stephen Moore: God's Gym

Stephen Moore: God's Gym

USA/UK 1996, 185 pp., brochure, € 37.99
Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Europas.
If man is created in the image of a perfect God, does the mortal body strive for physical perfection as well? Is bodybuilding part of God's plan for us? Is this strikingly original work, Moore considers God's male bodies - the bodies of Yahweh, of the Father of Jesus Christ, and of Jesus himself - and our obsessive earthly quest ... Weiterlesen

Tom Horner: Jonathan Loved David

Tom Horner: Jonathan Loved David

Homosexuality in Biblical Times. USA 1978, 163 pp., brochure, € 24.95
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
In this thoughtful exploration of a sensitive issue, Tom Horner considers all the references to homosexuality in the Bible - the stories of Sodom and Gibeah, David and Jonathan, Ruth and Naomi, and passages from Deuteronomy, Leviticus, Romans, I Corinthians, and I Timothy. He includes an important discussion of the words and actions of Christ in their biblical and historical ... Weiterlesen

John Boswell: Same-Sex Unions in Premodern Europe

John Boswell: Same-Sex Unions in Premodern Europe

USA 1994, 412 pp. illustrated, brochure, € 29.95
Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Europas.
Boswell has taken great care to assemble, transcribe, translate and interpret a persuasive array of texts describing same-sex relationships in the ancient world. It is a testimony to the fairness of the book that he confronts the opposing arguments clearly. At a time when strictures against homosexuality are the subject of impassioned debate, this groundbreaking work of scholarship has generated ... Weiterlesen
Titel vergriffen, auf Anfrage versuchen wir gerne, ihn antiquarisch zu besorgen.

Peter Schellenbaum: Homosexualität im Mann

Peter Schellenbaum: Homosexualität im Mann

D 1992, 264 S., geb., € 14.95
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Ein Klassiker der psychologischen Literatur: Peter Schellenbaum ist einer der ersten und immer noch wenigen, die Homosexualität nicht negativ konnotieren, sondern eigenständig in ihrer Theoriebildung erfassen.

Benno Hafeneger: Strafen, prügeln, missbrauchen

Benno Hafeneger: Strafen, prügeln, missbrauchen

Gewalt in der Pädagogik, € 15.32
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Brandes und Apsel
Lange Zeit war sexuelle, psychische und körperliche Gewalt, die von Erwachsenen in pädagogischen Einrichtungen ausgeübt wird, ein Tabuthema. Skandale in katholischen Internaten, Reformschulen, Jugendchören und überhaupt in der Heimerziehung rückten die professionelle Pädagogik in den Fokus der Öffentlichkeit. Dabei sind kultur- und erziehungshistorische Ideologien einer strafenden und züchtigenden Pädagogik am Werk. In ihnen wird nach wie vor systematische Gewalt als ... Weiterlesen

The Investigative Staff of The Boston Globe: Betrayal

The Investigative Staff of The Boston Globe: Betrayal

The Crisis in the Catholic Church, € 15.65
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
»Betrayal« provides a detailed, devastating account of the Catholic Church's decades-long cover-up that has left millions of American Catholics shocked, angry, and confused. It brings into sharp focus the scores of abusive priests who preyed upon children and the cabal of senior Church officials who covered up their crimes. If Boston was the epicenter of of the abuse scandal, the ... Weiterlesen

John Boswell: Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality

John Boswell: Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality

USA 1980, 424 pp., brochure, € 49.95
Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Europas.
John Boswell's highly acclaimed study of the history of attitudes toward homosexualiy in the Christian West challenges received opinion and our own preconceptions about the Chruch's past relationship to its gay members, among whom were priests, bishops and even canonized saints.

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