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Erotische Romane

J. C. Adams (ed.): Filthy Remarks

J. C. Adams (ed.): Filthy Remarks

444 Sex Quotes. D 2013, 144 pp., brochure, € 14.95
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Bruno Gmünder
Everybody does it. Everybody thinks about it. And, of course, everybody has talked about it. J.C. Adams has put together a veritable encyclopaedia of sex quotes from VIPs of every stripe and color. Madonna, Abraham Lincoln, Groucho Marx and Oscar Wilde might not have much else in common, but they all had something to say about everyone's favorite obsession. In ... Weiterlesen

Zack: Raw Recruits

Zack: Raw Recruits

D 2013, 189 pp. illustrated, brochure, € 14.95
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Bruno Gmünder
When Luke and Harry, young veterans fresh out of the hell of the Afghan war turned hustlers, are offered a small fortune to join a band of mercenaries by a stranger in a New York bar, they can't refuse - and before they know it they are plunged into the adventure of their lives. The men, a crew of raw ... Weiterlesen

Mark Emme: In Your Hands

Mark Emme: In Your Hands

The Everyman's Guide to Masturbation. D 2013, 157 pp., brochure, € 14.95
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Bruno Gmünder
Masturbation is an art. The author has studied, tested and compared every possible variety of masculine self-gratification - and, from what he's learnt, he has produced a guide that can enhance every man's masturbation skills. Emme covers a remarkable variety of techniques - from the tried and true to exotic ones and the adventurous. He's no uptight »jack-off«, but a ... Weiterlesen

Creg Lingen: Der Neue im Kloster

Creg Lingen: Der Neue im Kloster

Loverboys Classics. Bd.14. D 2013 (Neuaufl.), 172 S., Pb, € 13.40
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Bruno Books - Loverboys 95
Klöster als reine Männergemeinschaften sind ja Brutstätten der Homosexualität - so die Grundannahme dieses neuen Bandes aus der Loverboys-Reihe. Sebastian erträgt es nicht mehr länger im Bischofspalast. Dort ist er ständigen Verführungen ausgesetzt gewesen - vor allem aber den begierigen Blicken der kirchlichen Würdenträger. Er entscheidet sich fürs Kloster, um auch von den eigenen Begierden loszukommen. Doch dort kommt er ... Weiterlesen

Heidi Belleau: Mark of the Gladiator

Heidi Belleau: Mark of the Gladiator

USA 2012, 219 pp., brochure, € 19.95
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
After an inconvenient display of mercy in the arena, the gladiator Anazâr is pulled from the sands and contracted to nobleman Lucius Marianus to train his new stable of gladiators. Anazâr is eager he is to achieve it ? perhaps it's because Marianus is truly remarkable: handsome, dignified, honorable, and seemingly as attracted to Anazâr as Anazâr is to him. ... Weiterlesen

Rachel Haimowitz: Power Play 2 - Awakening

Rachel Haimowitz: Power Play 2 - Awakening

USA 2012, 247 pp, brochure, € 19.95
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Brandon is a man reborn. Newly awakened to the notion of consensual power exchange and the submissive urges inside him, he begs for a second chance from the man who opened his eyes to this world: Silicon Valley superstar Jonathan Watkins. But no birth is absent pain, and Brandon's is no exception. He fears he's not strong enough to see ... Weiterlesen

Rachel Haimowitz: Power Play 1 - Resistance

Rachel Haimowitz: Power Play 1 - Resistance

USA 2012, 239 pp, brochure, € 19.95
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Brandon has come to accept being gay, but he can't deny the shame and confusion he feels at other urges, the deeply-repressed desire to submit. Jonathan is a self-made Silicon Valley billionaire, comfortable as a Dominant but wary of being hurt again, he resorts to anonymous pickups and occasional six-month contracts with subs seeking only a master, not a lover. ... Weiterlesen

Shane Allison (ed.): Nice Butt

Shane Allison (ed.): Nice Butt

Gay Anal Eroticism. USA 2012, 212 pp., brochure, € 16.95
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
»Nice Butt - Gay Anal Eroticism« features some of the hottest butt erotica stories around from today's hottest erotica authors. From toys to teasing, spanking to sporting, some of the best gay erotica scribes celebrate the hottest and most creative in new erotica.

Todd Gregory (ed.): Sweat

Todd Gregory (ed.): Sweat

Gay Jock Erotica. USA 2012, 296 pp., brochure, € 15.95
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Bold Strokes
Their sweaty, gym-hardened bodies do battle in the arena for our entertainment and admiration. They are gladiators fighting to be the best at their chosen sport, putting their muscles on the line for the cheers of the crowd. And once the battle's done, they strip down and get down to the serious business of giving and receiving pleasure. They are ... Weiterlesen

Neil Plakcy (ed.): Sexy Sailors

Neil Plakcy (ed.): Sexy Sailors

Gay Erotic Stories. USA 2012, 207 pp., brochure, € 14.95
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Cleis - Gay Erotic Stories
Sex ahoy! Who hasn't admired a naval officer coming ashore in his dress whites or a hard-musckled young man climbing up a mast and grinding winches to set sail? Whether they are commanding navy ships or 8-foot dinghies, the gorgeous guys of »Sexy Sailors« sure know how to cruise. A grizzled traveler looking for a quick hookup aboard a Greek ... Weiterlesen

Shane Allison (ed.): Cruising

Shane Allison (ed.): Cruising

Gay Erotic Stories. USA 2012, 187 pp., brochure, € 14.95
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Cleis - Gay Erotic Fiction
Homemade glory holes in a stall wall, steamy shower trysts, truck stop rendezvous - according to Shane Allison, »There's nothing that gets the adrenaline flowing and the muscle throbbing like public sex.« Two bears get it on in the cab of an 18-wheeler in Jeff Mann's »Keeper« and more than minds get blown in »One Hot Baby«. A fierce black ... Weiterlesen

Richard Labonté (ed.): Wild Boys

Richard Labonté (ed.): Wild Boys

Gay Erotic Fiction. USA 2012, 223 pp., brochure, € 14.95
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Cleis - Gay Erotic Fiction
Take a walk on the wild side with these fierce tales of rough trade. Defy the rules and succumb to the charms of hustlers, jocks, kinky tricks, smart-asses, con men, straight guys and gutter punks who give as good as they get. In Jeff Mann's »Satyr«, a hillbilly hustler seduces an insatiable city bear while hitchhiking. Two suburban black college ... Weiterlesen

Sophie R. Nikolay: Die Insel der Gladiatoren

Sophie R. Nikolay: Die Insel der Gladiatoren

D 2012, 215 S., Broschur, € 13.31
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Dead Soft
Elias hat keine Eltern mehr und wächst in verschiedenen Heimen auf. Ihm steht ein Schicksal am Rand der Gesellschaft bevor, wenn es ihm nicht gelingt, auf der Insel der Gladiatoren Ruhm und Anerkennung zu erringen. Dort meldet er sich als Kämpfer an und trifft auf den schillernden Sascha, der der erfolgreichste Kämpfer auf der ganzen Insel ist und dementsprechend Andere ... Weiterlesen

Zack: Boys of Two Cities

Zack: Boys of Two Cities

D 2012, 189 pp., brochure, € 14.95
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Bruno Gmünder
This is the steamy sequel to »Boys of Vice City« and »Boys of Disco City« - cruelly split to escape a deadly threat from Hollywood tycoon James Rosen, bitter Gil Graham and guilt-ridden Mike Smith are forced to rebuild their lives, continents apart. Only work - and plenty of exciting but vicarius sex - stop their loveless lives from falling ... Weiterlesen

Sophie R. Nikolay: Hautnah

Sophie R. Nikolay: Hautnah

D 2012, 263 S., Broschur, € 11.95
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
18 sinnliche Begegnungen - Zusammentreffen unterschiedlichster Art - lesbisch, schwul, hetero ... Sarah trifft auf Adriane und entdeckt, was man mit Pinseln alles anstellen kann. Thorsten und Arne finden auf ungewöhnliche Weise wieder zueinander, und Finn zeigt Hannes, dass man nicht sehen muss, um zu lieben. Diana wird am Strand von einem hinreißenden Mann verführt, und schwarze Witwen sind nicht ... Weiterlesen

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