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Jack Rogers: Jesus, the Bible, and Homosexuality

Jack Rogers: Jesus, the Bible, and Homosexuality

Explode the Myths, Heal the Church. USA 2009, 228 pp., brochure, € 19.95
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In this revised and expanded edition, evangelical theologian and former Moderator of the Presbyterian Church Jack Rogers makes a biblical case for equal rights for people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender. Throughout history, he observes, Christianity has moved towards ever greater openness and inclusiveness. Today's church is led by many of those who were once excluded: people of color, women, and divorced and remarried people. He argues that when the Bible is interpreted through the lens of Jesus' redemptive life and ministry, we see that the church is called to grant equal rights to all people. This book describes Rogers' own change of mind and heart on the issue, charts the church's history of using biblical passages to oppress marginalized groups, argues for a Christ-centered reading of Scripture, debunks stereotypes about people who are LGBT, refutes the conventional wisdom about the texts that are often used against people who are LGBT, and presents ideas for how the church can heal itself and move forward again. The revised and expanded edition also includes a new preface with »stories from the road« as a result of Rogers's two year book tour in support of the first edition, updates on recent developments within the Presbyterian Church, a new chapter that examines God's radical welcome for all who have faith as revealed in Scripture, a new appendix that maps the recent progress toward LGBT equality in major U.S. denominations, and a study guide for group or personal reflection.
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