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Titel von Leslie Feinberg

Leslie Feinberg: Stone Butch Blues

Leslie Feinberg: Stone Butch Blues

USA 2014, 431 pp, brochure, € 39.95
Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Europas.
Leslie Feinberg
Leslie Feinberg mastered a huge success in the LGBT-community with her first novel, »Stone Butch Blues«. The book is now considered one of the absolute gay and lesbian milestones of the 90s and has contributed like no other to the discussion of the topic of gender identity. The author has succeeded in describing the upheaval that the Stonewall Riots triggered ... Weiterlesen

Leslie Feinberg: Stone Butch Blues

Leslie Feinberg: Stone Butch Blues

Träume in den erwachenden Morgen. Dt.v. Claudia Brusdeylins. D 2008, 469 S., Broschur, € 20.50
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Krug und Schadenberg
Das Buffalo der 60er Jahre - Jess Goldberg verbringt hier ihre Kindheit und Jugend. Irgendwann hält sie es zuhause nicht mehr aus und haut ab. In der Bar Abba's findet sie Unterschlupf - ein bunte Mischung von Butches und Femmes, Huren und Drag Queens, Schwarzen und Weißen. Dort fühlt sich Jess wohl. Bedroht wird dieses Refugium durch die Polizei, die ... Weiterlesen

Leslie Feinberg: Drag King Dreams

Leslie Feinberg: Drag King Dreams

USA 2006, 303 pp., brochure, € 24.95
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
»Stone Butch Blues« author Leslie Feinberg's new novel about love and struggle in N.Y.C.'s East Village - it takes us on an unforgettable new gender journey. After a harrowing encounter with a bigot on the PATH train, Max Rabinowitz, drag king and bouncer in an East Village drag club, quarrels with cross-dressing friend Vickie who's brutally murdered that night. Soon ... Weiterlesen

Leslie Feinberg: Trans Liberation

Leslie Feinberg: Trans Liberation

USA 1998, 147 pp., brochure, € 39.95
Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Europas.
In this collection of speeches and new writing, Leslie Feinberg argues passionately for the acceptance of all trans peoples - and for the absolute necessity of building coalitions between all progressive political groups. Speaking to an audience of 350 male heterosexual crossdressers and their partners at the Texas »T« Party - a speech at which Feinberg was the only person ... Weiterlesen

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