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Leslie Feinberg: Drag King Dreams

Leslie Feinberg: Drag King Dreams

USA 2006, 303 pp., brochure, € 24.95
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»Stone Butch Blues« author Leslie Feinberg's new novel about love and struggle in N.Y.C.'s East Village - it takes us on an unforgettable new gender journey. After a harrowing encounter with a bigot on the PATH train, Max Rabinowitz, drag king and bouncer in an East Village drag club, quarrels with cross-dressing friend Vickie who's brutally murdered that night. Soon a transgender friend with AIDS is hospitalized, the East Village club where they work closes and a friendly Muslim neighbor disappears after defending his kids from the cops. Loyal, tender and apt to paint apartment walls with Yiddish poems, Max is appealing yet strikingly isolated and quick to get enraged. As the community of cross-dressers, drag queens, lesbian and gay men, and »genderqueers« of all kinds stand up together in the face of this tragedy, Max taps into the activist spirit she thought had long disappeared and for the first time in years discovers hope for her future.
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