Löwenherz - die Buchhandlung in Wien. Fachbuchhandlung mit schwulem und lesbischem Sortiment.
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Alan Chin: The Plain of Bitter Honey

Alan Chin: The Plain of Bitter Honey

USA 2013, 227 pp., brochure, € 16.95
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Bold Strokes
Twins Aaron and Hayden Swann are fighting a corrupt government taken over by ultra right-wing Fundamentalist Christians in 2055 America. Each brother fights in his own way, Aaron with bullets, Hayden with words. Then one night their world is turned upside down when they are caught in a government sting and they must both flee north into the badlands between ... Weiterlesen

Mel Bossa: In His Secret Life

Mel Bossa: In His Secret Life

USA 2013, 251 pp., brochure, € 16.95
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Bold Strokes
When Allan's boyfriend leaves him for a younger man, Allan lets him go without a grudge. When his sister, Elsie, gets pregnant and ditched, he becomes her support system and father figure to his niece. Then Elsie becomes engaged to Dayton, and Allan meets Dayton's older brother, Davinder - a fierce and exceptionally gifted artist with a thousand secrets breathing ... Weiterlesen

Richard Amory: Das Lied des Sterntauchers

Richard Amory: Das Lied des Sterntauchers

»Rote Männer auf grünen Matten«. Dt. v. Joachim Bartholomae. D 2013, 208 S., Broschur, € 16.50
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Die amerikanischen Großepen, die in »Lederstrumpf« und »Pocahontas« jedem geläufig sind, in ihrer schwulen Version: Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts reist der junge Ephraim in unberührtes Indianergebiet, um sich auf den Weg des Sterntauchers zu begeben - eine Form der freien Liebe. Das unbefangene Sexleben der anmutigen Indianer, denen er begegnet, steht im krassen Gegensatz zur prüden puritanischen Welt der Weißen. ... Weiterlesen

Donna K. Ford: Healing Hearts

Donna K. Ford: Healing Hearts

USA 2013, 223 pp., brochure, € 16.95
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Bold Strokes
Christian Sutter is a broken woman. After the loss of her lover, she is plagued by survivor guilt and struggles to engage contact with others in the simplest relationships. Seeking refuge, she turns to the solitude of Willow Springs, an all-women retreat in the mountains of East Tennessee. When Christian meets a reclusive artist, her world is turned upside down ... Weiterlesen

I. Beacham: The Rarest Rose

I. Beacham: The Rarest Rose

USA 2013, 231 pp., brochure, € 16.95
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Bold Strokes
Beautiful Eleanor Teal has accepted the tragedy in her life and gradually become reclusive, living alone in her Georgian home in the Oxfordshire Cotswolds - a place she once shared with the woman she loved and lost, and a place where she feels safe and cocooned with her memories. But suddenly the house doesn't feel safe anymore. Things start to ... Weiterlesen

Rachel Spangler: Does She Love You?

Rachel Spangler: Does She Love You?

USA 2013, 305 pp., brochure, € 16.95
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Bold Strokes
Annabelle Taylor has been in her ideal relationship with an adoring partner for thirteen years. Davis Chandler is jaded from years of bad luck with women, but she thinks she's finally started dating the girl of her dreams. The only problem is they're both in love with the same woman. Nic McCoy is living a double life that is about ... Weiterlesen

B. Ruby Rich: New Queer Cinema

B. Ruby Rich: New Queer Cinema

The Director's Cut. USA 2013, 322 pp., brochure, € 49.95
Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Europas.
Duke University Press
B. Ruby Rich designated a brand new genre, the New Queer Cinema (NQC), in her groundbreaking article in the »Village Voice« in 1992. This movement in film and video was intensely political and aesthetically innovative, made possible by the debut of the camcorder, and driven initially by outrage over the unchecked spread of AIDS. The genre has grown to include ... Weiterlesen

Anne Rice: Interview mit dem Vampir: Claudias Story

Anne Rice: Interview mit dem Vampir: Claudias Story

Illustration: Ashley M. Witter. Dt. v. Harriet Fricke. D 2013, 224 S., geb., € 20.46
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Sie ist ein Vampir, den es eigentlich niemals hätte geben dürfen - eine Missgeburt unter den ungeheuerlichen Geschöpfen der Nacht. Sie wird vom Hunger eines Raubtiers geplagt, ist jedoch im Körper eines Kindes gefangen. Sie bewegt sich im Schatten einer Welt, die ihr für immer verschlossen bleiben wird. Sie ist Tochter, Waise, Opfer, Monster. Geschildert aus der Sicht eines kleinen ... Weiterlesen

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