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Daisy Jones: All the Things She Said

Daisy Jones: All the Things She Said

Everything I Know About Modern Lesbian and Bi Culture. UK 2022, 240 pp., brochure, € 19.95
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Hodder and Stoughton
»All The Things She Said« explores the nature of 21st century queerness. Lesbian and bi culture is ever-changing and here, journalist Daisy Jones unpicks outdated stereotypes and shows how, over the past few years, the style and shared language of queer women has slowly infiltrated the mainstream. (Think less hemp sandals, IKEA trips and nut milks and more freedom, expression, community. And Cate Blanchett) From the dingy basement clubs of east London to the unchartered realms of TikTok, cutting in DIY mullets and christening Meryl Streep »Daddy«, Daisy explores the multifaceted nature of what it means to be lesbian or bi today, while also looking back and celebrating the past.
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