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Astrid Ohletz, Gill McKnight (ed.): Tales of the Grimoire

Astrid Ohletz, Gill McKnight (ed.): Tales of the Grimoire

Book One. D 2015, 260 pp., brochure, € 15.99
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Ylva Verlag
On a dark and stormy night a coven of writers gathers to spellcheck under a hallowed moon. The result is a bubbling cauldron of fear, suspense, and absolute sexiness. From the ghostly seduction of a Victorian governess, to vampires in the substance abuse clinic, with witchery in the coffee house, and cannibalism in the kitchen, this selection of stories is ... Weiterlesen

Andi Marquette: The Secret of Sleepy Hollow

Andi Marquette: The Secret of Sleepy Hollow

D 2015, 116 pp., brochure, € 13.00
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Ylva Verlag - Twice Told Tales - Lesbian Retellings 2
Tabitha »Abby« Crane, a doctoral student working on her thesis, doesn't allow herself much time outside academia. Fortunately, she's managed to squeeze in a research trip over Halloween weekend to the historical society of Sleepy Hollow, New York, where she hopes to uncover new research on the notorious town's most infamous legend - that of the headless horseman. But she ... Weiterlesen

Alison Grey: Liebe im Trinkgeld inbegriffen

Alison Grey: Liebe im Trinkgeld inbegriffen

D 2015, 334 S., Broschur, € 16.40
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Ylva Verlag
Sherry lebt mit ihrem Sohn Jake in einem Trailerpark außerhalb der Stadt. Mit Aushilfsjobs versucht sie, sich und Jake über Wasser zu halten. Madison hingegen führt ein sorgenfreies Leben. Von ihrer reichen Großmutter erzogen, hat sie außer Partys nicht viel im Sinn. Eines Tages verliert Madisons Großmutter die Geduld mit ihr und droht, sie zu enterben, falls Madison nicht endlich ... Weiterlesen

Lois Cloarec Hart: Am Abhang

Lois Cloarec Hart: Am Abhang

D 2015, ca. 10.200 Wörter, E-Book (Format epub), € 0.99
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Ylva Verlag
Liv und Kay sind Geschäftspartnerinnen, Freundinnen seit Kindheitstagen und schon lange kein Paar mehr. Am Ende der Touristensaison gönnen sie sich einen freien Tag im nahen Gebirge. Als Kay abstürzt, müssen sich die beiden nicht nur den Herausforderungen der Wildnis stellen, sondern auch ihren lang verdrängten Gefühlen für einander. Liv weiß nur eins: Sie wird Kay nicht am Abhang zurücklassen.

Ina Steg: 12 Tage

Ina Steg: 12 Tage

D 2015, ca. 5.500 Wörter, E-Book (Format epub), € 0.99
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Ylva Verlag
Kathy lebt zurückgezogen in einer Hütte am Waldrand. Die Angst vor anderen Menschen macht es ihr unmöglich, ein normales Leben zu führen. Doch eines Tages steht Joan in ihrem Garten und kündigt an, sie würde noch elf Mal wiederkommen. Was will die junge Frau von ihr? Und wieso hört die Espe vor ihrem Fenster nicht mehr auf zu flüstern?

Jae: Change of Pace

Jae: Change of Pace

D 2015, ca. 12.000 Wörter, E-Book (Format epub), € 0.99
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Ylva Verlag - Portland Police Bureau Series 3
Sophie Matheson, Kade's homophobic mother, is coming to Portland for a visit. Her timing couldn't be worse. Not only is Kade newly in love with a woman, but she also promised to help her friends Aiden and Dawn move in together. Instead of going to art museums and having lunch in an expensive restaurant, Sophie will now help U-Haul a ... Weiterlesen

Astrid Ohletz / Jae (ed.): Don't Be Shy (Volume 1-2)

Astrid Ohletz / Jae (ed.): Don't Be Shy (Volume 1-2)

D 2015, 350 S., brochure, € 15.95
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Ylva Verlag - Don't Be Shy Series 1-2
Sultry, sensual, kinky erotica with a smart, sexy twist: these twenty-five lesbian erotica stories that first appeared in »Don't Be Shy Volumes 1 and 2« are now available in one compendium. A woman talks her girlfriend into an arduous mountain hike, only to reveal a naughty al fresco birthday surprise when they reach the peak. A tempestuous opera diva finally ... Weiterlesen

Astrid Ohletz / Jae (ed.): Don't Be Shy (Volume 2): A Collection of Erotic Lesbian Stories

Astrid Ohletz / Jae (ed.): Don't Be Shy (Volume 2): A Collection of Erotic Lesbian Stories

D 2015, 79,0000 words, E-Book (Format epub), € 4.99
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Ylva Verlag - Don't Be Shy Series 2
In volume II of Don't Be Shy thirteen authors of lesbian fiction bring you short stories that focus on the sensual, red-hot delights of sex between women and the celebration of the female form in all its diverse hedonism. You'll find intimate encounters between strangers, couples playing out their most titillating fantasies, one-night stands, and stories featuring slow, sultry weekends. Are ... Weiterlesen

Jae: Coitus Interruptus Dentalis. Eine Vampirkurzgeschichte

Jae: Coitus Interruptus Dentalis. Eine Vampirkurzgeschichte

D 2015, ca. 6500 Wörter, E-Book (Format epub), € 0.99
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Ylva Verlag - Die Serie mit Biss 2
Weihwasser und Sonnenlicht machen ihr nichts aus, aber der Gedanke an den Zahnarzt versetzt Vampirin Robin in Panik. Zum Glück sind Vampirzähne hart wie Stahl und unzerstörbar...zumindest glaubt sie das, bis eine leidenschaftliche Nacht mit Alana unerwartete Folgen hat.

Sandra Gerth: Goal Setting for Writers

Sandra Gerth: Goal Setting for Writers

D 2015, 39,000 words, E-Book (Format epub), € 2.99
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Ylva Verlag - Writers' Guide Series 1
Writing a book is on the bucket list of millions of people worldwide, but very few actually finish their book or manage to fulfill other writing dreams such as making a living as a writer. Many writers fail because they don't know how to set effective writing goals and how to develop an action plan that will turn their dreams ... Weiterlesen

Astrid Ohletz / Jae (ed.): Don't Be Shy (Volume 1): A Collection of Erotic Lesbian Stories

Astrid Ohletz / Jae (ed.): Don't Be Shy (Volume 1): A Collection of Erotic Lesbian Stories

D 2015, 60,200 words, E-Book (Format epub), € 4.99
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Ylva Verlag - Don't Be Shy Series 1
Twelve authors of lesbian fiction bring you short stories that focus on the sensual, red-hot delights of sex between women and the celebration of the female form in all its diverse hedonism. You'll find intimate encounters between strangers, couples playing out their most titillating fantasies, one-night stands, and stories featuring slow, sultry weekends. Are you up for toys, hot sex, ... Weiterlesen

Fletcher DeLancey: Without a Front - The Warrior's Challenge

Fletcher DeLancey: Without a Front - The Warrior's Challenge

D 2015, 320 pp., brochure, € 18.95
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Ylva Verlag - Chronicles of Alsea 3
Lancer Andira Tal made Alsean history when she accepted the producer's challenge to work a holding as a field laborer. She should have known that the peace of Hol-Opah couldn't last. Now her hosts are cleaning up blast debris and she's searching for both a traitor and a missing member of her family. Just as she thinks she's solved one ... Weiterlesen

Lois Cloarec Hart: Unstilled Voices

Lois Cloarec Hart: Unstilled Voices

D 2015, ca. 14.000 Wörter, E-Book (Format epub), € 0.99
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Ylva Verlag
For decades, Audrey and Marni have been a loving couple, their happiness marred only by the hostility of Audrey's son, Richard. When Audrey is rendered silent by a stroke and unable to assert her wishes, Richard assumes power of attorney and banishes Marni from his mother's life. The women long for each other, but since they aren't legally married, Richard ... Weiterlesen

Cindy Rizzo: The Miracle of the Lights

Cindy Rizzo: The Miracle of the Lights

D 2015, ca. 6.000 Wörter, E-Book (Format epub), € 0.99
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Ylva Verlag
When her girlfriend, Tova, leaves their upstate New York Hasidic community to avoid an arranged marriage, eighteen-year-old Chava goes in search of her among the hundreds of homeless LGBTQ youth in New York City. Once there, she faces the challenges of life on the street and must reconcile the insulated world she has known with the new and unfamiliar choices ... Weiterlesen

Cindy Rizzo, Nikki Busch: Love Times Two

Cindy Rizzo, Nikki Busch: Love Times Two

A Double Dose of Romance for Valentine?s Day. D 2015, ca. 10.000 Wörter, E-Book (Format epub), € 0.99
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Ylva Verlag
Two short stories, "V-Day 1978" by Cindy Rizzo and "Pistachio Heat" by Nikki Busch, provide you with a double dose of romance for Valentine's Day and for every other day of the year.

Cori Kane: The Affair

Cori Kane: The Affair

D 2015, ca. 22.000 Wörter, E-Book (Format epub), € 2.99
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Ylva Verlag
Linda and Robin have never counted on being anything but colleagues, working together on an advertisement for a new perfume, especially since both are married. But soon, their close working relationship throws them into a passionate affair, which becomes so much more than both women wanted it to be?they're falling in love. Linda is trying to deal with her husband's ... Weiterlesen

Jae: Dress-tease

Jae: Dress-tease

D 2015, ca. 4.100 Wörter, E-Book (Format epub), € 0.99
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Ylva Verlag
Nothing could possibly be more erotic than watching the woman you love taking off her clothes in front of you, right? That's what Lauren thinks, until she witnesses her girlfriend, celebrity actress Grace Durand, dressing up for a movie premiere. The reverse striptease gets Lauren's pulse pounding and her breath catching in her throat, and she suddenly decides that they ... Weiterlesen

Jae: Next of Kin

Jae: Next of Kin

D 2015, ca. 350 pp., E-Book (Format epub), € 8.99
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Ylva Verlag - Portland Police Bureau Series 2
Sex crimes Detective Aiden Carlisle is slowly getting used to being in a committed relationship with Dawn Kinsley - a relationship that isn't always easy since Dawn is not only a psychologist but also a former victim in one of Aiden's cases. Aiden's private and professional lives collide when Dawn's newest patient gets in trouble with the law. Will she ... Weiterlesen

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