Löwenherz - die Buchhandlung in Wien. Fachbuchhandlung mit schwulem und lesbischem Sortiment.

Fantasy Romane

Felice Picano: Dryland's End

Felice Picano: Dryland's End

USA 2004, 527 pp., brochure, € 23.99
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
5000 years in the future - life itself is in jeopardy. A rebellion of intelligent Cybernetic servants has left the females of the galaxy virtually sterile, crippling the controlling political body - the Matriarchy. The race is on to find a solution, but will it be enough to save the Matriarchy as other galactic authorities attempt to dominate them using ... Weiterlesen

Storm Constantine: The Wraiths of Will and Pleasure

Storm Constantine: The Wraiths of Will and Pleasure

USA 2004, 496 S., brochure, € 25.99
Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Europas.
Long before the Wraeththu assumed total mastery of the earth and dominion over the dwindling remnants of the human race, they were a wild and passionate people, living in scattered tribes, worshiping strange gods, increasing their numbers by transmuting humans into their own kind. But all that changed on a festival night that surpassed all others, a night when the ... Weiterlesen

Anne Rice: Pandora

Anne Rice: Pandora

Dt. v. Barbara Kesper. D 2004, 335 S., Pb, € 6.17
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
David Talbot, der Chronist der Vampire, begegnet in Paris der schönen Pandora und bittet sie, die Geschichte ihrer Jugend und ihrer Initiation in die Welt der Vampire niederzuschreiben. Die 2000 Jahre alte Vampirin kehrt in der Erinnerung in das Rom ihrer Kindheit zurück, als Kaiser Augustus über das blühende Weltreich herrschte. Für Pandora, Tochter einer kultivierten Patrizierfamilie, verschlechterte sich mit ... Weiterlesen

Johanna Sinisalo: Troll

Johanna Sinisalo: Troll

USA 2003, 278 pp., brochure, € 15.95
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
»Troll« is the winner of the »Finlandia Award«: Angel, a young photographer, comes home from a night of carousing to find a group of drunken teenagers in the courtyard of his apartment building, taunting a wounded, helpless young troll. He takes it in, not suspecting the dramatic consequences of this decisin. What does one do with a troll in the ... Weiterlesen

Samuel R. Delany: Aye, and Gomorrah, and Other Stories

Samuel R. Delany: Aye, and Gomorrah, and Other Stories

USA 2003, 385 pp., brochure, € 13.85
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
A father must come to terms with his son's death in the war. In Venice, an architecture student commits a crime of passion. A white southern airport loader tries to do a favor for a black northern child. The ordinary stuff of ordinary fiction - would you think, but it's fiction with a difference - taking place 150 years from ... Weiterlesen

Michael Schiefelbein: Vampire Thrall

Michael Schiefelbein: Vampire Thrall

USA 2003, 306 pp., brochure, € 13.95
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Roman officer Victor Decimus - the vampire who loved Christ - is back. And he's bold and sexier than ever. Reckless hazel-eyed artist Paul Lewis has recurring visions of a sensual vampire. Hired by a group of monks to illustrate a manuscript of the gospels, Paul travels to San Benedetto monastery in Rome, where he falls in love with the ... Weiterlesen

Devdutt Pattanaik: The Man Who Was a Woman

Devdutt Pattanaik: The Man Who Was a Woman

And Other Queer Tales of Hindu Lore. USA 2002, 164 pp., brochure, € 59.95
Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Europas.
A god transforms into a nymph and enchants another god. A king becomes pregnant.A prince discovers on his wedding night that he is not a man. Another king has children who call him both father and mother. A hero turns into a eunuch and wears female apparel. A princess has to turn into a man before she can avenge her ... Weiterlesen

Lutz Büge: Genetics

Lutz Büge: Genetics

D 1999, 384 S., Broschur, € 9.95
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Block Arkansas ist eine Männerwelt aus Stahl, 1000 Meter unter der Erdoberfläche: ein gewaltiges Genlabor, das seit 150 Jahren versiegelt ist. In dieser Welt werden Frauen nur noch zur Produktion von Eizellen und als Bruttanks benötigt. Unter der Herrschaft von Ciah, einem Supercomputer des amerikanischen Militärs, wird hier an der Vervollkommnung der Gattung Mensch gearbeitet, an der Schaffung einer neuen ... Weiterlesen

Lynn Flewelling: Stalking Darkness

Lynn Flewelling: Stalking Darkness

USA 1997, 507 pp., pb, € 9.99
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.  - Nightrunner Series 2
With the Leran threat laid to rest, gay couple Alec and Seregil are now able to turn their attention to the ancient evil which threatens their land. The Plenimarans, at war with Skalans, have decided to defeat their ancient enemy by raising up the Dead God, Seriamaius. The early attempts at this reincarnation - masterminded by the sinister Duke Mardus ... Weiterlesen

Lynn Flewelling: Luck in the Shadows

Lynn Flewelling: Luck in the Shadows

USA 1996, 479 pp., pb, € 17.95
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.  - Nightrunner Series 1
When young Alec of Kerry is taken prisoner for a crime he didn't commit, he is certain that his life is at an end. But one thing he never expected was his cellmate. Spy, rogue, thief, and noble, Seregil of Rhiminee is many things - none of them predictable. And when he offers to take on Alec as his apprentice, ... Weiterlesen

Storm Constantine: Wraeththu

Storm Constantine: Wraeththu

USA 1993, 800 pp., brochure, € 49.95
Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Europas.
In this trilogy set in a future Earth very different from our own, a new kind of human has evolved to challenge the dominion of Homo sapiens. This new breed is stronger, smarter, and far more beautiful than their parent race, and are endowed with psychic as well as physical gifts. They are androgynous and destined to supplant humanity as ... Weiterlesen

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