Löwenherz - die Buchhandlung in Wien. Fachbuchhandlung mit schwulem und lesbischem Sortiment.
Vicky Whipple: Lesbian Widows

Vicky Whipple: Lesbian Widows

USA 2006, 216 pp., brochure, € 59.95
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The death of a life partner poses unique challenges for lesinas. This book reveals the touching and very personal stories of 25 women, including the author, who were widowed at a young age and forced to create a new life without their life partners. The widows discuss their efforts to create funerals and memorial services, give their accounts of the overwhelming grief throughout the first years, and explain the legal and financial discrimination they encountered. The book provides an insightful look into the grieving and recovery process, offers practical advice about coping techniques, and ultimately inspires hope for anyone mourning their loss with the knowledge that others have also survived this tragedy.
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