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Storm Constantine: The Shades of Time and Memory (II)

Storm Constantine: The Shades of Time and Memory (II)

The Second Book of the Wraeththu Histories. USA 2004, 444 pp., brochure, € 25.99
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TOR Doherty - Wreaththu Histories 2
The Wraeththu, once a wild and beautiful race living on the land and reveling in their power and sexuality, have become a bit more tamed as the years have passed. And with the creation of their city of Imanion, and the enthronement of the Tigron and Tigrina, the Wraeththu have become civilized. And no more are new Wraeththu created by the Inception of human boys, there are no more human boys, or girls. Now the Wraeththu reproduce themselves, through aruna and the creation of a Pearl that will grow to be a young harling. The race of hermaphrodites has come into its own. Now it must learn to survive politics, and governing, and wars amongst itself.
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