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Rainer Werner Fassbinder (R): Querelle (Blu-ray)

Rainer Werner Fassbinder (R): Querelle (Blu-ray)

D/F 1982, engl./dt./frz. OF, engl.UT, 104 min., € 29.99
Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Europas.
Artificial Eye
Rainer Werner Fassbinder's legendary film in a restored and remastered version. On leave in the Port of Brest, a bisexual sailor (Brad Davis) stabs and kills his drug-smuggling partner and fellow seaman, following an argument. He seeks shelter in a nearby notorious brothel, where he gives full vent to his homosexual desires. There he befriends the predatory madam, Lysiane (Jeanne Moreau). One by one, the other habitues of the brothel succumb to his charms. From then on Querelle embarks on a voyage of highly charged and sometimes violent sexual self-discovery that will transform him forever from the man he once was. Adapted from the novel by Jean Genet, this was Rainer Werner Fassbinder's last film and his most vividly surreal in its design and photography.
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