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Thema: fotografierte Jungs

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Ghislain Pascal (ed.): Boys! Boys! Boys! Vol.9

Ghislain Pascal (ed.): Boys! Boys! Boys! Vol.9

UK 2025, 160 pp., brochure, € 39.95
Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Europas.
Little Black Gallery - Boys! Boys! Boys! 9
Der neunte Band aus der »Boys! Boys! Boys!«-Serie enthält Männerfotografie von neun Fotografen aus fünf Kontinenten: Carter Bliss (USA), David Charles Collins (Australien), Ruifeng Ding (China), Parker McComb (USA), Raphaèl Neal (Frankreich), Alexis Orosa (Australien/ Philippinen), Arjun Paliwal (Großbritannien), Francisco Rosas (Mexiko) sowie Ellis Wolf (Deutschland).

Elska Magazine: elska ODESA Ukraine

Elska Magazine: elska ODESA Ukraine

UK 2025, 180 pp., brochure, € 19.90
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Liam Campbell - ELSKA 50
This book marks our landmark fiftieth edition and is the first in a brand new era of Elska. For this notable number, we decided to return to the country where we began, Ukraine. (The first ever edition of Elska was made in Lviv.) This time we honed in on the beautiful Black Sea city of Odesa, which we introduce to ... Weiterlesen

Thomas Knights: Fresh Fruit #2

Thomas Knights: Fresh Fruit #2

Brooks World. UK 2025, 66 pp., magazine, € 19.95
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Red Hot Ltd.
Fresh Fruit is bursting with the juiciest Red Hot stars and calendar models as you've never seen them before. Fresh Fruit offers an entirely new experience, this is your raw and unfiltered backstage pass to never before seen and exclusive Red Hot photography. Crafted for an intimate, raw, and erotic experience, you can expect cheeky interviews with the boys, nude ... Weiterlesen

Thomas Knights: Red Hot Desire

Thomas Knights: Red Hot Desire

UK 2024, 175 pp., color, hardbound, € 99.95
Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Europas.
Red Hot Ltd.
Lose yourself in a world of pure euphoria with our latest nude male art book. Nostalgic, provocative, and stimulating, Red Hot Desire is divided into four chapters, all featuring a different lineup of redhead men, photographed in four unique global settings under the theme of »Desire«.
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Elska Magazine: elska SALT LAKE CITY Utah

Elska Magazine: elska SALT LAKE CITY Utah

UK 2024, 180 pp., brochure, € 19.90
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Liam Campbell - ELSKA 49
Elska #49 takes you to Salt Lake City in Utah, USA.

Elska Magazine: elska SAN FRANCISCO California

Elska Magazine: elska SAN FRANCISCO California

UK 2024, 180 pp., brochure, € 19.90
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Liam Campbell - ELSKA 41
This issue was made in San Francisco, arguably the world's most legendary gay city, which at last gets the Elska treatment. That means introducing a cross-section of ordinary guys from this city's diverse LGBTQ community and presenting them through a combination of honest, intimate photography and personal storytelling. Whatever you know or think you know about queer life in San ... Weiterlesen

Elska Magazine: elska MELBOURNE  Australia

Elska Magazine: elska MELBOURNE Australia

UK 2024, 180 pp., colour, magazine, € 19.90
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Liam Campbell - ELSKA 48
This issue was made in Melbourne, which marks Elskas' third time in Australia, following Elska Perth (issue no.17) and Elska Sydney (issue no.30), two issues which, although popular, inspired a lot of complaining along the lines of, "Why didn't you come to Melbourne?!" Well, we are proud, and relieved, to finally announce that we've done it! Inside the issue you'll get ... Weiterlesen

Flora Dunster / Theo Gordon: Photography - A Queer History

Flora Dunster / Theo Gordon: Photography - A Queer History

How LGBTQ+ Photographers Shaped the Art. UK 2024, 256 pp., illustrated, hardback, € 59.95
Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Europas.
»Photography - A Queer History« examines how photography has been used by artists to capture, create and expand the category »Queer«. It bookmarks different thematic concerns central to queer photography, forging unexpected connections to showcase the diverse ways the medium has been used to fashion queer identities and communities. How has photography advanced fights against LGBTQ discrimination? How have artists ... Weiterlesen
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Elska Magazine: elska MUNICH Germany (vol.2)

Elska Magazine: elska MUNICH Germany (vol.2)

UK 2024, 164 pp., colour, magazine, € 19.90
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Liam Campbell - ELSKA 47/2
Welcome to the volume 2 of the 47th issue of elska magazine, made in Munich. This marks elska's second time in Germany, and their second time releasing two separate volumes for one city - they simply couldn't fit everything into one mag, so they had to give you two! Inside this set you'll get to know seventeen ordinary local Munich ... Weiterlesen

Elska Magazine: elska MUNICH Germany (vol.1)

Elska Magazine: elska MUNICH Germany (vol.1)

UK 2024, 164 pp., colour, magazine, € 19.90
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Liam Campbell - ELSKA 47/1
Welcome to the double-volume 47th issue of elska magazine, made in Munich. This marks elska's second time in Germany, and their second time releasing two separate volumes for one city - they simply couldn't fit everything into one mag, so they had to give you two! Inside this set you'll get to know seventeen ordinary local Munich men. The elska ... Weiterlesen

Pascal Ghislain (ed.): Boys! Boys! Boys! Volume 8

Pascal Ghislain (ed.): Boys! Boys! Boys! Volume 8

UK 2024, 158 pp., colour, brochure, € 39.95
Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Europas.
Little Black Gallery - Boys! Boys! Boys! 8
The new volume 8 of »Boys! Boys! Boys!« features nine photographers from around the world: Turkan (Kenya), Tim Hailand (USA), Tristan Dubois (Belgium), Alejo Dillor (Argentina), Judhajit Bagchi and Ranadeep Bhattacharyya (India), Juan Antonio Papagni Meca (Argentina), Matt Gold (USA), and Sean Patrick Watters (USA). This issue features a special interview by Gustavo Forcada with New York gallerist Brian Paul ... Weiterlesen

Elska Magazine: elska MUMBAI India

Elska Magazine: elska MUMBAI India

UK 2024, 168 pp., colour, magazine, € 19.90
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Liam Campbell - ELSKA
Welcome to this edition of the Elska adventure in India, made in the iconic city of Mumbai. It's back because of popular demand and has been remade from scratch by going into the original Elska photo archives and re-selecting and re-editing everything, commissioning new translations and topping up with a fresh new cover. Inside the Elska Mumbai you'll get to ... Weiterlesen

Elska Magazine: elska  YOKOHAMA Japan (2nd edition)

Elska Magazine: elska YOKOHAMA Japan (2nd edition)

UK 2024, 180 pp., brochure, € 19.95
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Liam Campbell - ELSKA 9
This is the second edition of what was originally our 9th issue, brought back by popular demand. It was made in Yokohama, Japan's second-largest city, where we set about finding more about this under-understood city via getting to know a smattering of men from its LGBTQ community. Inside the issue, which has been remade from scratch, you'll meet eleven ordinary ... Weiterlesen

Ramon Christian: Crotch Special: California

Ramon Christian: Crotch Special: California

UK 2024, 287 pp., b/w, colour, brochure, € 24.95
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Strachan - Crotch Special
»Crotch« is a magazine about escape of the hottest kind - we dream of taking our readers into a sun-soaked world, celebrating the power, magnetism, and sex appeal of some of the most beautiful, and hottest, men in the world. Where else to go, then, for this special issue, than the sunniest place we can imagine? Of all the hot ... Weiterlesen
This issue was released with two different covers. Please indicate which one you prefer in the comments when ordering.

Yves de Brabander: Come Clean

Yves de Brabander: Come Clean

Ö 2024, 152 S., S/W, Farbe, Broschur, € 69.00
Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Europas.
Paper Affairs Publishers
Der belgische Künstler und Fotograf Yves de Brabander präsentiert in seiner ersten Monografie visuelle erotische Poesie. Obsessiv, fetischistisch und ungehemmt queer - bezieht er sich in seiner Arbeit auf religiöse Symboliken und klassische Meister ebenso wie auf das Arthouse-Kino und den Film Noir. In vier Kapiteln wird der Betrachter Zeuge, wie der männliche Körper als Leinwand für den Fotografen dient. ... Weiterlesen
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Pascal Ghislain (ed.): Boys! Boys! Boys! Volume 7

Pascal Ghislain (ed.): Boys! Boys! Boys! Volume 7

UK 2024, 160 pp., colour, brochure, € 39.95
Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Europas.
Little Black Gallery - Boys! Boys! Boys! 7
The world's first fine art photography magazine dedicated to queer and gay photography - ad free now available volume 7: it includes ten photographers Jack Cuts (UK), Ivan Donadio (Italy), Marco Gualdoni (Italy), Lin Jaihang (Taiwan), Esa Kapila (Finland), Lucas Murnaghan (Canada), Mariano Vivanco (Peru), Tyler Udall (Canada), Lucas Ulmer (Germany), and Konstantin Zhukov (Latvia). A special feature and interview ... Weiterlesen

Queer Archive (Hg.): KAVLA Slaughterhouse Issue 03

Queer Archive (Hg.): KAVLA Slaughterhouse Issue 03

GR 2024, Kartensammlung, € 39.90
Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Europas.
Queer Archive
Eine exklusive Kartensammlung, bestehend aus 15 individuellen homoerotischen Abbildungen. Mysteriös und diskret verpackt in einer schwarzen Versandtasche. Achtung: Nichts für schwache Nerven.

Daniel Harders: From the Heart of Berlin

Daniel Harders: From the Heart of Berlin

D 2024, 128 S., Farbe, geb., € 40.10
Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Europas.
Männliche Körper abseits von Klischees, die Suche nach Identität und immer wieder die sich wandelnden Gesichter der Stadt Berlin - das sind die Themen, die sich durch das Werk von Daniel Harders ziehen. Sein neuer Fotoband enthält eine Auswahl von Bildern, die Anfang des Jahrtausends entstanden. Die Schwarz-Weiß-Fotografien zeigen flüchtige Begegnungen und neue Freundschaften, die Nischen und Übergangsorte der Stadt ... Weiterlesen
Bilder ansehen

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