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Jae: Lessons in Love and Life

Jae: Lessons in Love and Life

D 2014, ca. 11.00 Wörter, E-Book (Format epub), € 0.99
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Ylva Verlag
Dieser Ylva-Titel ist auch erhältlich als:
E-Book (PDF), € 0.99
E-Book (mobi), € 0.99

Amy Hamilton finally has everything she ever wanted when Rika, the woman she loves, moves to the ranch. But years of having to hide her feelings leave her insecure, and her fears get the better of her. Convinced that Rika is growing bored with ranch life, Amy comes up with a daring plan. With her "father" as inspiration, Amy decides to dress up as a man so she can take Rika to Salem for a night of dancing. Nothing goes as planned, and Amy learns some valuable lessons in love and life.
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