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A.E. Radley: Grounded

A.E. Radley: Grounded

Flight Series. D 2017, 337 pp., E-Book (Format mobi), € 9.99
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Ylva Verlag - Flight Series
Dieser Ylva-Titel ist auch erhältlich als:
E-Book (PDF), € 9.99
E-Book (epub), € 9.99
Taschenbuch, € 24.99

City professional Olivia Lewis is coming to terms with her latest romantic failure by attempting o throw herself into her work. But with clients suddenly leaving Applewood Financial in their droves it becomes clear that old enemies have decided to strike and Olivia realises that she is losing everything. Meanwhile the world of first-class flight attendant Emily White comes crashing down around her when she loses her job with Crown Airlines. With no income, enormous debts and a broken-hearted five-year-old son she thinks that things cannot get any worse. That is until a blast from the past threatens it all. When a twist of fate brings them together will they finally be able to understand each other?
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