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Cheyenne Blue: Fenced-In Felix

Cheyenne Blue: Fenced-In Felix

D 2016, 308 pp., E-Book (Format epub), € 9.99
Keine Versandkosten für E-Books
Ylva Verlag - Girl Meets Girl Series 3
Dieser Ylva-Titel ist auch erhältlich als:
Taschenbuch, € 15.89
E-Book (mobi), € 9.99
E-Book (PDF), € 9.99

Felix Jameson is working hard to get her outback hospitality business off the ground. Building cabins, leading trail rides and enticing tourists means she hasn't much time for distractions - and that includes romance. But when she meets Josie, a drifter who picks up casual work as she goes, Felix is intrigued and attracted. Josie asks Felix to board her horse, Flame, and Felix is delighted. Not only can she use the extra money, but it means she will see a lot more of Josie. Felix finds Josie fits in well into her life, and for the solitary Felix there's finally the possibility of romance. But there's something suspicious about Flame, who bears an uncanny resemblance to a valuable stolen racehorse. Felix knows she is falling hard for Josie, but is Josie all she seems, or is she mixed up in shady dealings?
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