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Georgette Kaplan: Candice Cushing and the Lost Tomb of Cleopatra

Georgette Kaplan: Candice Cushing and the Lost Tomb of Cleopatra

D 2019, 207 pp., E-Book (Format epub), € 6.99
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Ylva Verlag
Dieser Ylva-Titel ist auch erhältlich als:
Taschenbuch, € 16.90
E-Book (mobi), € 6.99
E-Book (PDF), € 6.99

For years, mercenary Easy Nevada risked her life finding ancient artefacts for a mysterious benefactor. Now she's after one last score, the biggest of all: a relic so cursed that it was buried with Cleopatra in a secret tomb over two thousand years ago. But to uncover it, she'll need help. By-the-book Candice Cushing only ever wanted to conduct archaeology the traditional way. Now the find of a lifetime is beckoning from the middle of the Sahara, but she'll have to throw her lot in with Easy Nevada to get to it. The problem is, she doesn't know if she even likes the fast-talking rogue, let alone trusts her. What's more dangerous: the desert or her new partner? Searing heat and burning chemistry mix with the danger of a vengeful zealot in this rollicking adventure. Working together, Easy and Candice might just be able to beat the odds. And maybe they'll survive long enough to realize they want more from each other than just buried treasure. - A full-throttle thrill ride with kick-ass lesbians, action, and more heat than the Sahara.
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