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Cheyenne Blue: Almost-Married Moni

Cheyenne Blue: Almost-Married Moni

D 2017, 21.000 words, E-Book(Format epub), € 0.99
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Ylva Verlag
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Three years ago, Sue Brent proposed to Moni Kratzmann in the corridor of the Royal Flying Doctor Base. Now, with marriage equality finally the law in Australia, their wedding is on. As friends and family from near and far gather at Jayboro Outstation in outback Queensland, Moni and Sue strive to keep their wedding plans - and their lives - on track. Between well-meaning families, ex-girlfriends, and a community that wants to party, their wedding is set to be bigger than Moni's home state of Texas. But is that what they want? It's a simple outback wedding. What could possibly go wrong?
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