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Donald E. Hall and Annamarie Jagose (eds.): The Routledge Queer Studies Reader

Donald E. Hall and Annamarie Jagose (eds.): The Routledge Queer Studies Reader

UK/USA 2012, 586 pp., brochure, € 79.95
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»The Routledge Queer Studies Reader« provides a comprehensive resource for students and scholars working in this vibrant, interdisciplinary field. The book traces the emergence and development of queer studies as a field of scholarship, presenting key critical essays alongside more recent criticism that explores new directions. The collection is edited by leading scholars in the field and presents individual introductory notes that situate each work within its historical, disciplinary and theoretical contexts. The essays are grouped by key subject areas including genealogies, sex, temporalities, kinship, affect, bodies, and borders. It contains writings by major figures of the field including Judith Butler, David Eng, Judith Halberstam, David Halperin and Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick.
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