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Erschienen bei Stanford University Press

Greggor Mattson: Who Needs Gay Bars?

Greggor Mattson: Who Needs Gay Bars?

Bar-Hopping through America's Endangered LGBTQ+ Places. USA 2024, 434 pp., brochure, € 24.95
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Stanford University Press
Gay bars have been closing by the hundreds. The story goes that increasing mainstream acceptance of LGBTQ people, plus dating apps like Grindr and Tinder, have rendered these spaces obsolete. Beyond that, rampant gentrification in big cities has pushed gay bars out of the neighborhoods they helped make hip. This book considers these narratives, accepting that the answer for some ... Weiterlesen

Golan Y. Moskowitz: Wild Visionary

Golan Y. Moskowitz: Wild Visionary

Maurice Sendak in Queer Jewish Context. USA 2021, 298 pp., brochure, € 34.95
Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Europas.
Stanford University Press
»Wild Visionary« reconsiders Maurice Sendak's life and work in the context of his experience as a Jewish gay man. Maurice (Moishe) Bernard Sendak was a fierce, romantic, and shockingly funny truth seeker who intervened in modern literature and culture. Raising the stakes of children's books, Sendak painted childhood with the dark realism and wild imagination of his own sensitive »inner ... Weiterlesen

Margret Grebowicz: Why Internet Porn Matters

Margret Grebowicz: Why Internet Porn Matters

USA 2013, 135 pp., brochure, € 17.99
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Stanford University Press
Now that pornography is on the Internet, its political and social functions have changed. So contends Grebowicz in this philosophical analysis of Internet porn, in her account, are symptoms of the obsession with self-exposure in today's social networking media, which is, in turn, a symptom of the modern democratic construction of the governable subject as both transparent and communicative. In ... Weiterlesen

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