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Erschienen bei New York University Press

Jen Jack Gieseking: A Queer New York

Jen Jack Gieseking: A Queer New York

Geographies of Lesbians, Dykes, and Queers. USA 2020, 307 pp. with numerous illustrations, brochure, € 39.95
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New York University Press
The first lesbian and queer historical geography of New York City. Over the past few decades, rapid gentrification in New York City has led to the disappearance of many lesbian and queer spaces, displacing some of the most marginalized members of the LGBTQ community. In »A Queer New York«, Jen Jack Gieseking highlights the historic significance of these spaces, mapping ... Weiterlesen

José Esteban Munoz: Cruising Utopia

José Esteban Munoz: Cruising Utopia

USA 2019, 253 pp., brochure, € 49.95
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New York University Press
»Cruising Utopia« arrived in 2009 to insist that queerness must be reimagined as a futurity-bound phenomenon, an insistence on the potentiality of another world that would crack open the pragmatic present. Part manifesto, part love-letter to the past and the future, José Esteban Munoz argued that the here and now were not enough and issued an urgent call for the ... Weiterlesen

Conor O'Dwyer: Coming Out of Communism

Conor O'Dwyer: Coming Out of Communism

The Emergence of LGBT Activism in Eastern Europe. USA 2018, 333 pp., brochure, € 45.95
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New York University Press
While LGBT activism has increased worldwide, there has been strong backlash against LGBT people in Eastern Europe. Although Russia is the most prominent anti-gay regime in the region, LGBT individuals in other post-communist countries also suffer from discriminatory laws and prejudiced social institutions. Combining an historical overview with interviews and case studies in Poland, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, and the Czech ... Weiterlesen

Melissa M. Wilcox: Queer Nuns

Melissa M. Wilcox: Queer Nuns

Religion, Activism, and Serious Parody. USA 2018, 336 pp., brochure, € 39.95
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New York University Press
An engaging look into the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, queer activists devoted to social justice. The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence make up an unlikely order of nuns. Self-described as »twenty-first century queer nuns,« the Sisters began in 1979 when three bored gay men donned retired Roman Catholic nuns' habits and went for a stroll through San Francisco's gay Castro district. ... Weiterlesen

Ramzi Fawaz: The New Mutants

Ramzi Fawaz: The New Mutants

Superheroes and the Radical Imagination of American Comics. USA 2017, 368 pp., brochure, € 45.99
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New York University Press
The author takes a look at the politics behind superhero comics. Drawing on queer theory, Fawaz proposes that superhero comics from the mid-1950s onward have consistently reflected contemporary political debates around marginalized groups. In his view, post-WWII superheroes were »queered« by their portrayal as vulnerable and threatening outsiders. For instance, the Fantastic Four have got abilities that produce nonnormative, or ... Weiterlesen

Katherine McFarland Bruce: Pride Parades

Katherine McFarland Bruce: Pride Parades

How a Parade Changed the World. USA 2016, 320 pp., brochure, € 39.95
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New York University Press
On June 28, 1970, two thousand gay and lesbian activists in New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago paraded down the streets of their cities in a new kind of social protest, one marked by celebration, fun, and unashamed declaration of a stigmatized identity. With vivid imagery, and showcasing the voices of these participants, »Pride Parades« tells the story of Pride ... Weiterlesen

Jane Ward: Not Gay

Jane Ward: Not Gay

Sex Between Straight White Men. USA 2015, 240 pp., brochure, € 38.99
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New York University Press
A straight white girl can kiss a girl, like it, and still call herself straight - her boyfriend may even encourage her. But can straight white guys experience the same easy sexual fluidity, or would kissing a guy just mean that they are really gay? »Not Gay« thrusts deep into a world where straight guy-on-guy action is not a myth ... Weiterlesen

Suzanna Danuta Walters: The Tolerance Trap

Suzanna Danuta Walters: The Tolerance Trap

How God, Genes, and Good Intentions Are Sabotaging Gay Equality. USA 2014, 333 pp., hardbound, € 39.95
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New York University Press
From »Glee« to gay marriage, from lesbian senators to out gay Marines, we have undoubtedly experienced a seismic shift in attitudes about gays in American politics and culture. Our reigning national story is that a new era of rainbow acceptance is at hand. But dig a bit deeper, and this seemingly brave new gay world is disappointing. For all of ... Weiterlesen

Bernadette Barton: Pray the Gay Away

Bernadette Barton: Pray the Gay Away

The Extraordinary Lives of Bible Belt Gays. USA 2012, 272 pp., brochure, € 35.95
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New York University Press
In the Bible Belt, it's common to see bumper stickers that claim »One Man + One Woman = Marriage«, church billboards that command one to »Get right with Jesus«, letters to the editor comparing gay marriage to marrying one's dog, and nightly news about homophobic attacks from the »Family Foundation«. While some areas of the Unites States have made tremendous ... Weiterlesen

Scott Herring: Another Country

Scott Herring: Another Country

Queer Anti-Urbanism. USA/UK 2010, 235 pp. with illustrations + photographs, brochure, € 44.95
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New York University Press
The metropolis has been the near exclusive focus of queer scholars and queer cultures in America. Asking us to look beyond the cities on the coasts, the author draws a new map, tracking how rural queers have responded to this myopic mindset. Interweaving a wide range of disciplines - art, media, literature, performance, and fashion studies - he develops an ... Weiterlesen

Gregg Drinkwater (ed.): Torah Queeries

Gregg Drinkwater (ed.): Torah Queeries

Weekly Commentaries on the Hebrew Bible. USA 2010, 337 pp., hardbound, € 27.59
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New York University Press
In the Jewish tradition, reading of the Torah follows a calendar cycle, with a specific portion assigned each week. These weekly portion, read aloud in synagogues around the world, have been subject to interpretation and commentary for centuries. Following on this ancient tradition, this book brings together some of the world's leading rabbis, scholars, and writers to interpret the Torah ... Weiterlesen

Leila J. Rupp: Sapphistries

Leila J. Rupp: Sapphistries

A Global History of Love Between Women. USA 2010, 303 pp., hardbound, € 149.95
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New York University Press
From the ancient poet Sappho to »tombois« in contemporary Indonesia, women throughout history and around the globe have desired, loved, and had sex with other women. This book tells their stories, capturing the multitude of ways that diverse societies have shaped female same-sex sexuality across time and place. The author reveals how, from the time of the earliest societies, the ... Weiterlesen

Susan Fillin-Yeh (ed.): Dandies

Susan Fillin-Yeh (ed.): Dandies

Fashion and Finesse in Art and Culture. USA 2001, 291 pp. illustrated, brochure, € 27.99
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New York University Press
»Dandies: Fashion and Finesse in Art and Culture« considers the visual languages, politics, and poetics of personal appearance. Dandyism has been most closely associated with influential caucasian Western men-about-town, epitomized by the 19th century style-setting of Oscar Wilde and by Tom Wolfe's white suits. The essays collected here, however, examine the spectacle and workings of dandyism to reveal that these ... Weiterlesen

Stephen O. Murray / Will Roscoe: Islamic Homosexualities

Stephen O. Murray / Will Roscoe: Islamic Homosexualities

Culture, History, and Literature. USA 1997, 331 pp., brochure, € 49.95
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New York University Press
The first anthropological collection that reveals patterns of male and female homosexuality in the Muslim World.- The dramatic impact of Islamic fundamentalism in recent years has skewed our image of Islamic history and culture. Stereotypes depict Islamic societies as economically backward, hyper-patriarchal, and fanatically religious. But in fact, the Islamic world encompasses a great diversity of cultures and a great ... Weiterlesen

Annamarie Jagose: Queer Theory

Annamarie Jagose: Queer Theory

USA 1997, 153 pp., brochure, € 34.95
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New York University Press
Annamarie Jagose provides a clear and concise explanation of queer theory, tracing it as part of an intriguing history of same-sex love over the last century, from mid-century homophile movements to gay liberation, the women's movement and lesbian feminism, to the re-appropriation of the term »queer.« Carefully interrogating the arguments of supporters and opponents of queer theory, Jagose suggests that ... Weiterlesen

B. R. Burg: Sodomy and the Pirate Tradition

B. R. Burg: Sodomy and the Pirate Tradition

English Sea Rovers in the Seventeenth-Century Carribean. USA 1993, 215 pp, brochure, € 39.99
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New York University Press
Pirates are among the most heavily romanticized and fabled characters in history. From Bluebeard to Captain Hook, they have been the subject of countless movies, books, children's tales, even a world-famous amusement park ride. In »Sodomy and the Pirate Tradition«, historian B. R. Burg investigates the social and sexual world of these sea rovers, a tightly bound brotherhood of men ... Weiterlesen

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