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Erschienen bei Duke University Press

Christopher Chitty: Sexual Hegemony

Christopher Chitty: Sexual Hegemony

Statecraft, Sodomy, and Capital in the Rise of the World System. USA 2020, 222 pp., brochure, € 49.95
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Duke University Press
In »Sexual Hegemony«, Christopher Chitty traces the 500 year history of capitalist sexual relations by excavating the class dynamics of the bourgeoisie's attempts to regulate homosexuality. Tracking the politicization of male homosexuality in Renaissance Florence, Amsterdam, Paris, and London between the 17th and 19th centuries, and 20th-century New York City, Chitty shows how sexuality became a crucial dimension of the ... Weiterlesen

Matt Brim: Poor Queer Studies

Matt Brim: Poor Queer Studies

Confronting Elitism in the University. USA 2020, 247 pp., brochure, € 49.95
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Duke University Press
In »Poor Queer Studies«, Matt Brim shifts queer studies away from its familiar sites of elite education toward poor and working-class people, places, and pedagogies. Brim shows how queer studies also takes place beyond the halls of flagship institutions: in night school, after a three-hour commute, in overflowing classrooms at no-name colleges, with no research budget, without access to decent ... Weiterlesen

Noelle M. Stout: After Love

Noelle M. Stout: After Love

Queer Intimacy and Erotic Encounters in Post-Soviet Cuba. USA 2014, 272 pp. with photographs, brochure, € 34.95
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Duke University Press
The anthropologist author arrived in Havana in 2002 to study the widely publicized emergence of gay tolerance in Cuba but discovered that the sex trade was dominating everyday discussions among gays, lesbians, and »travesties«. Largely eradicated after the Revolution, sex work, including same-sex prostitution, exploded in Havana when the island was opened to foreign tourism in the early 1990s. The ... Weiterlesen

Paisley Currah and Susan Stryker (eds.): Postposttransexual

Paisley Currah and Susan Stryker (eds.): Postposttransexual

Key Concepts for a 21st-Century Transgender Studies. USA 2014, 255 pp., brochure, € 27.95
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Duke University Press
This inaugural issue to the Transsexual Quarterly (TSQ) pays homage to Sandy Stone's field-defining »Posttranssexual Manifesto« and assesses where the field is now and where it seems to be heading. Comprising nearly sixty short essays by authors ranging from graduate students to senior scholars, the issue takes on such topics as biopolitics, disability, political economy, childhood, trans-of-color critique, area studies, ... Weiterlesen

Martin F. Manalansan, Chantal Nadeau, Richard T. R: Queering the Middle

Martin F. Manalansan, Chantal Nadeau, Richard T. R: Queering the Middle

Race, Religion, and a Queer Midwest. A Special Issue of GLQ. USA 2014, 228 pp. illustrated, brochure, € 15.99
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Duke University Press
When imagined in relation to other regions of the United States, the Midwest is often positioned as the norm, the uncontested site of white American middle-class heteronormativity. This characterization has often prevailed in scholarship on sexual identity, practice, and culture, but a growing body of recent queer work on rural sexualities, transnational migration, regional identities, and working-class culture suggests the ... Weiterlesen

Afsaneh Najmabadi: Professing Selves

Afsaneh Najmabadi: Professing Selves

Transsexuality and Same-Sex Desire in Contemporary Iran. USA 2013, 432 pp., brochure, € 49.95
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Duke University Press
Since the mid-1980s, Iran has permitted, and partially subsidized, sex reassignment surgery. In »Professing Selves«, the author explores the meaning of transsexuality in contemporary Iran. Combining historical and ethnographic research, she describes how, in the postrevolutionary era, the domains of law, psychology and psychiatry, Islamic jurisprudence, and biomedicine became invested in distinguishing between the acceptable »true« transsexual and other categories ... Weiterlesen

Christina B. Hanhardt: Safe Space

Christina B. Hanhardt: Safe Space

Gay Neighborhood History and the Politics of Violence. USA 2013, 358 pp. illustrated, brochure, € 39.95
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Duke University Press
Since the 1970s, a key goal of lesbian and gay activists has been protection against street violence, especially in gay neighborhoods. During the same time, policymakers and private developers declared the containment of urban violence to be a top priority. The author examines how LGBT calls for »safe space« have been shaped by broader public safety initiatives that have sought ... Weiterlesen

B. Ruby Rich: New Queer Cinema

B. Ruby Rich: New Queer Cinema

The Director's Cut. USA 2013, 322 pp., brochure, € 49.95
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Duke University Press
B. Ruby Rich designated a brand new genre, the New Queer Cinema (NQC), in her groundbreaking article in the »Village Voice« in 1992. This movement in film and video was intensely political and aesthetically innovative, made possible by the debut of the camcorder, and driven initially by outrage over the unchecked spread of AIDS. The genre has grown to include ... Weiterlesen

Sarah Schulman: Israel / Palestine and the Queer International

Sarah Schulman: Israel / Palestine and the Queer International

USA 2012, 194 pp., brochure, € 24.95
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 Euro Bestellwert.
Duke University Press
In this chronicle of political awakening and queer solidarity, the activist and novelist Sarah Schulman describes her dawning consciousness of the Palestinian liberation struggle. Invited to Israel to give the keynote address at an LGBT studies conference at Tel Aviv University, Schulman declines, joining other activists and academics honoring the Palestinian call for an academic and cultural boycott of Israel. ... Weiterlesen

Didier Eribon: Insult and the Making of the Gay Self

Didier Eribon: Insult and the Making of the Gay Self

English by Michael Lucey. USA 2004, 448 pp., brochure, € 49.95
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Duke University Press
Following its publication in 1999, »Insult and the Making of the Gay Self« became an immediate bestseller in France. It's a set of reflections on »the gay question« by Didier Eribon, one of France's foremost public intellectuals. Known for his biography of Michel Foucault, Eribon is a leading voice in French gay studies. In explorations of gay subjectivity as it ... Weiterlesen

Jack Halberstam: Female Masculinity

Jack Halberstam: Female Masculinity

USA/UK 1998, 330 pp., brochure, € 29.95
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Duke University Press
Masculinity without men: in »Female Masculinity«, Judith Halberstam takes aim at the protected status of male masculinity and shows that female masculinity has offered a distinct alternative to it for well over two hundred years. Providing the first full-length study on this subject, Halberstam catalogs the diversity of gender expressions among masculine women from 19th-century pre-lesbian practices to contemporary drag ... Weiterlesen

Jonathan Goldberg (ed.): Queering the Renaissance

Jonathan Goldberg (ed.): Queering the Renaissance

USA 1994, 388 pp., brochure, € 49.95
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Duke University Press
»Queering the Renaissance« offers a major reassessment of the field of Renaissance studies. Gathering essays by sixteen critics working within the perspective of gay and lesbian studies, this collection redraws the map of sexuality and gender studies in the Renaissance. Taken together, these essays move beyond limiting notions of identity politics by locating historically forms of same-sex desire that are ... Weiterlesen

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