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Blythe Rippon: Stowe Away

Blythe Rippon: Stowe Away

D 2016, 279 pp., E-Book (Format epub), € 9.99
Keine Versandkosten für E-Books
Ylva Verlag
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E-Book (PDF), € 9.99
E-Book (mobi), € 9.99
Taschenbuch, € 15.90

Samantha Latham is a little socially awkward and a lot brilliant. When she arrives at Yale, thrilled to finally escape her rural Vermont hometown called Stowe, the focused and driven Sam knows exactly what she wants: an illustrious career as a medical researcher and a relationship with her new best friend Natalie, a talented yet capricious girl who keeps Sam guessing. Everything changes when Sam must suddenly withdraw from school to care for her invalid mother back in Vermont. Moving back to Stowe means no more brilliant career in medicine, and definitely no more Natalie. As she finds herself alone, faced with a life she never wanted, Sam slowly learns to recalibrate what she considers success, discovering the artistic side of Stowe, a community of lesbians she never imagined existed there, and a new woman who inspires Sam to rethink everything she thought she knew - especially about love.
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